|Sanemi x reader| Hopeless

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Requested by: funkopop19
You stared at the white haired Hashira in awe. He was training a little bit far away from the other Hashiras. They gathered in the garden as they eat and drink happily, thanks to Mitsuri who brought picnic baskets and a picnic mat.

The others started talking about random things and getting along, all except Tomioka-san who kept quiet at all times, always deep in his thoughts while eating salmon daikon that Mitsuri prepared just for him.

You wanted to be there next to him, cheering him on as he trains hard. You wanted to be close to him because 1, you were interested in his past 2, you want to know him more, you know his explosive persnality isn't all he is, you just know it. And finally number 3, you have a hopeless crush on him.

You adored his strong will and his secret soft side. You were interested in him after you visited him in his house, for a mission. You saw him smilling for the very first time in your Hashira times, as he feeds th dog a treat from his hand.

You remembered, fawning over him while hiding in bushes as soon as you saw him feed the dog. But that wasn't the only time you felt the jittery feeling around him. He protected you from demons when you were in trouble, multiple times, you wondeed why he still insists on protecting you even after he scolded you a few times.

You always tried to be friends with him and the farthest thing you've gone with him is protecting each other side by side.

You should've made a move long ago but the only problem is, you blush so much and your shyness level shoot up to he roof when he's around you. You always become a stuttering mess when you talk to him, making him annoyed and ends the conversation quickly.

You sighed hopelessly as you stare at him, not noticing the stares of the other Hashiras. An elbow nudged you making you turn your attention to so eone beside you, Shinobu.

She had a teasing look on her face, her eyebrows moving up and down. "Shinobu-san, are you okay?" As you asked you looked at the other's expression.

Mitsuri placed both of her hands on her cheek, grinning and blushing. Tengen and Rengoku shoots knowing looks to each other while folding their arms on their chest. Himejima wasn't there since he was talking to Oyakata-sama about something inside. Giyuu looked curious as he stared at me.

Obanai was sleeping, his head on Mitsuri's lap, while Muichiro looked ready to fall asleep any minute now.

"W-what is it, you guys?" You started squirming under the attention their giving you, making the heat rush up to your cheeks, embarrassed.

"Ara ara~ Someone's got a crush on a certain white haired Hashira, I see." Shinobu teased as Mitsuri joined her "aww that's so cute! You guy's are totally so cute together" she squealed, causing Obanai to wake up.

You looked down sadly at the untouched food on your hand. "I can't even talk to him properly, Shinobu-san, Mitsuri-san" you sighed, covering your face with your hands, feeling completely helpless.

When you're around him, you seem to lose your confidence and stutter which was completely lame according to the book of how to talk to your crush 101.

You felt a heavy hand placed on top of your head, looking up and saw Rengoku smilling reassuringly. "Don't worry, princess, we'll help you get his attention" he reassured, determination dancing on his eyes.

"So, I have an idea that might infuriate Shinazugawa-san but it may be good for ou we don't know" Shinobu, placed her hand on her chin, thinking of something. "Tomioka-san!" She suddenly pointed to Giyuu who looked confused.

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