|Sanemi x reader| Bad day

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I laughed out loud as I finished my third bottle of sake. "Y/n-san I think you have too much to drink, maybe it's time for you to go home" Kanroji suggested, pushing the other bottles away from me.

"What are you talking about, Mitsuri-san? I'm okay!" I shrugged. Earlier, Uzui-san invited us Pillars to celebrate his birthday and surprisingly, everyone did come to his estate.

It just so happened that my boyfriend, Sanemi and I had a fight yesterday and until now I haven't talked to him at all. I was having a bad day, Sanemi ignored me, I almost set my house on fire because I left the pot on fire while I was crying my eyes out in the living room and right now I'm trying to drown myself in alcohol, just because.

I didn't try to look at Sanemi and just tried to laugh and enjoy with everyone. "Yeah! It's still early, and I still have some drinks left!" Uzui-san wrapped his arms around my shoulder, as we laughed randomly.

His wives suddenly ripped his arm off me and slapped his arms. "Hey stop that, can't you see Sanemi-san is watching?" One of his wives whispered, though it's probably just me that heard it.

I felt my body heat up "is it just me or is it hot in here?" I fanned myself and touched the first button on my uniform.

I unbuttoned it with no hesitation, the heat still there. I was about to opened another button but a hand suddenly gripped mine. "Okay, that's enough, woman" I looked up to the person seeing my boyfriend who recently ignored me and felt myself getting angry.

He buttoned up my buttons and lifted me on his shoulder easily like I was a ragdoll. "We have to go, she had too much to drink" he told the others. I heard a couple of voices but I can't really distinguish who is who.

Sanemi started to walk out of the estate as I hung on his shoulder. Silence fell among us, both too stubborn to speak. "Can you put me down?" I asked, annoyed.

He didn't say anything, but he still didn't put me down. I gathered my strength and jumped of him, causing him to be taken back.

"You know I don't understand you, Sanemi" I glared at him, and started to walk past him. But he grabbed my hand pulling me to a stop, unfortunately he grabbed my recently burnt wrist. I winced in pain and pulled back my hand.

I raised my hand, sleeves on my uniform fell down to my elbow revealing a bandaged wrist and pulling it to my chest.

He furrowed his eyebrows "what the hell happened to your arm?" He asked. "It's nothing" I denied, rolling my eyes. "Y/n stop being stubborn" are you serious? I held back my tongue trying not to say something, I just want this talk to be over.

"I accidentally burned myself earlier. There, happy?" I started to walk past him, this time he didn't do or say anything.
"Sanemi welcome home" my smile suddenly dropped when I found his angry expression. He was breathing heavily. "Sanemi? What's wrong?" I got a hold of his arm, but he pulls it back with force almost pushing me to the ground.

"Sanemi? Hey, is it about Genya?" That irked him, he whipped his head to me, "don't say his name" he warned.

I frowned, I went up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I know you care about your brother, Sanemi. You can talk to me" I was always the one being patient, I know he'll open up to me if I just remain patient. But in the 2 years we're together, he never admits his problems to me. I just really want to help him.

He pushed me away quite harshly, taking me back. "There's nothing to talk about, and I don't have a brother!" He shouted.

I furrowed my eyebrows to him "Sanemi calm down" why would he lash out like that? "I can't calm down about this,Y/n!" He said still shouting at me.

"Why are you taking it out on me then?" I finally blurted it out. I wanted to say that ever since he started complaining about his day.

"Because you irritate me, woman! Can't just leave me alone?!"

I felt my heart drop at that moment, I stepped back from him "I wish you'd tell me your problems, Sanemi. I want to get through this together, but your always pushing me away." With that, I marched to my room and slammed the door.
"Y/n, I'm sorry" I stopped walking and turned to him, suddenly sober. He finally calmed down, I stared at him waiting for what he's about to say, "that day, I was training the other demon slayers, my bro- Genya came up to me and said he's sorry" he paused, looking down to the ground.

I wish I should've been there when he was suffering, even though I don't know his problems. I know I should apologise to him but I don't want to ruin the moment, he finally opens up to me.

"He said, he wanted to be a demon slayer, for me to be proud of him and he said..... he even ate demons for me" my eyes widened in shock. I can't believe he would do that.

"I got angry and charged at him but the others stopped me. I'm sorry I lashed on you like that, y/n. It's just hard opening up to people since I have been alone for some time now" the real Sanemi, right in front of me wasn't like the Sanemi the other Pillars usually see. He shouts constantly, except when Oyakata-sama is present, he sometimes verbally attacks someone,

But when we're alone, he tries to speak with me in a soft manner, he's slowly but surely breaking down the walls he built himself.

I ran to him and hug him tight. Pulling him down to my chest, as I started to sob. I felt him wrapped his arms around my waist. "I forgive you, Sanemi. I should be sorry as well. I couldn't understand you, I know you struggled from the past but I was just wasn't any help was I?"



"I love you.."

Then that's all I remembered, I probably passed out, because when I woke up, I felt like bricks fell on my head. I looked over to the side and saw Sanemi sleeping peacefully. I guess you could say we made up, since last night.
I tried ▪_▪ this isn't the best but yeah, I tried. :p

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