|Tanjirou x reader|Forever

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Requested by: amamiharu
Sorry if I couldn't portray a cold hearted reader, just silent tsunderes but here it is!
"When did you start training for flame breathing?"

"You were so cool, y/n-san!"

"What kind of ore did you pick for your Nichirin blade?"

"How long have you been training under the Flame Pillar?"

I paused my training and looked at him with an expressionless face. "I thought, ignoring you would stop you from asking me these many questions, but I calculated it wrong then" I mumbled, returning my blade to it's sheath. I walked back inside the estate leaving a certain boy with a scar on his forehead.

"y/n-san!" I ignored him and closed the door to the garden, leaving him there. What is he even doing here? I shook my head and entered my room, planning to change my sweaty clothes.

I took off my haori, then my uniform, letting my hair down. Suddenly the door to my room opened. What the- "y/n-san, Rengoku-san-" he cut off his own words when he saw me. I stared at him nonchalantly.

His eyes widened, turning around and covers his face which is clearly also blushing. He closed the door immediately, apologizing "I'm so sorry, y/n-san. I forgot to knock! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he repeatedly. I imagined him bowing repeatedly behind the door.

I wasn't even completely naked, I'm not really bothered at all, but I'm not going to tell him that. "What did you see?" I asked.

"What? Um... n-nothing" he answered not-so honestly. He is terrible at lying, "you saw the cloths wrapped around me did you?" I asked, picking out a new outfit. He squeaked, "uh...". An unexpected smile plastered on my face "be honest with me Tanjirou" I said in a serious tone.

"Yes, I did. I'm sorry, y/n-san" I heard a thud outside of the door I saw his silhouette, kneeling. I quickly changed and opened the door. "You're forgiven" I stared at him in amusement, seeing him turn his head thinking I'm still in my underwear.

"I'm clothed, let's not keep Rengoku-sama waiting" I stared down at him before walking away to see Rengoku-sama. Tanjirou caught up to me and walked by my side, "what is your intention of coming here, Tanjirou?" I asked, not taking my eyes off in front.

"It's... I just have questions and maybe you might be able to tell me since Rengoku-sama is really busy and he doesn't have any time to answer my questions, so Shinobu-san suggested I ask you" he explained, a little blush still visible on his cheeks.

I stopped walking and turned to him, "what is your question?".

"Do you know about the Dance of the fire God?" I looked at him, interested. "I've never heard of that, tell me what it is".

"I remembered my father performing a dance from sunrise to sunset nonstop. He said our family has been doing the dance of the fire God for generations. I just recently used one of the 12 forms of the dance as a breathing technique. My blade was on fire and it cuts a bit faster than water breathing" he explained.

"I don't know about that dance, but I do know that the breathing technique that Rengoku-sama and I use is a branch from the first breathing. The breath of the sun, personally I know nothing about it but Rengoku-sama showed me a book about the origins of the breathing technique, maybe you could borrow it from the Rengoku residence" I didn't had the chance to read the book, since it's always in the Rengoku residence.

Rengoku-sama's father is strict not to have visitors around, I don't know why. I looked at Tanjirou's face, he looked deep in his thoughts. "I hope that answered your question, you can leave me alone now" this isn't actually the first time he came to the Flame Pillar's estate asking for me. He have been pestering me for days, he kinda grew into me.

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