|Yushiro x reader| Careful!

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Requested by: cupsoda3
This is for our boi you've been sleeping on! I know I post these one shots pretty late but I'm really busy with school lately and i'm actually the CEO of procrastinating.
While you were writing on your new herbal experiment journal, you hear the slow drops of rain suddenly get stronger and louder as it hits the roof of Lady Tamayo's two story house. You took a peek at the window, pausing your writing and stared outside while resting your chin on the palm of your supporting elbow. The rain clouds completely hid the serene moonlight and creates another lovely sight of the water droplets running down your glass windows.

Closing the journal, you placed it back to its shelf with the other past journals and decided to leave the study room after a few hours of researching and writing. When you opened the door, you were revealed by the sight of Yushiro standing there in the middle of the process of knocking. He clicked his tongue and folded his arms over his chest, his eyebrows narrowed. "So you decided to take a break huh? I was about to drag you out there." he spoke with frustration yet in your eyes he looked so cute as ever, he almost looks like a cat. 

You grinned at him and pinched his pale cheeks, "are you worried about me?" you asked in a teasing tone and wrapped your arms around his neck. He suddenly turns red and slipped under your arms to get away from you, he turned his back to you, attempting to hide his blushing face. 

You let out a chuckle to his cute reaction. Of course he reacted that way, he always reacts differently when flustered. Even after dating him for a year and a month, he sometimes shy away from your affections. You never felt sad when he sometimes rejects your cuddles, he always makes up for it when he feels affectionate all of a sudden. 

Like that time when he and Lady Tamayo worked for hours on another project, he went into your room while you were reading on your bed and laid next to you just to cuddle. He mumbled compliments, half asleep and later on apologized in the morning for his inappropriate actions. And that was how you discovered that to regain his energy all he needs was hugs and kisses. 

"I do, idiot.." his voice softened as he turned to you and stare with his lustrous purple eyes. Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, feeling your heart skip a beat and you started getting flustered all of a sudden. You shook it off and ran to him, jumping for a hug. He fortunately caught your waist to avoid falling to the floor face first. "Careful!" he exclaimed, tightening his grip on you. 

"Thank you for caring so much, Yushiro" you smiled at him and pulled away this time and grabbed his hand tightly. He let out a yelp when you suddenly pulled him down the hallway and to the stairs. "Where are we going?!" he shouted, confused. "I can't waste the moment of the rain, I wan't to play in it!" you exclaimed excitedly, ignoring the protests of your boyfriend who was struggling to follow you.

You were probably the most energetic human Yushiro had ever met in his life, the most hyper, yet the most beautiful being he's ever met aside from Lady Tamayo. Despite being a human, he couldn't find himself being away from you at any moment. He found himself drawn to you every time. He once only watched you from a far or stole glances to you every time you worked together on making a new medicine, but now it was like a dream to finally stand by you. 

As you opened the front door, you were instantly splashed in the face with tiny rain drops that was blown away by the wind. You let out a laugh and practically dragged Yushiro out to the rain, ignoring his protests which were covered by the sounds of the rain hitting strongly on the now muddy ground. Before you even got to step into the rain, Yushiro  tightens his grip on your hands and pulled you under the roof. "Do you want to get sick? You'll get a cold, dammit!" he exclaimed once more, pointing a finger at you.

"But you'll be there to take care of me,so I don't have to worry" you sent him a smile and kissed his cheek before running to the front yard. He stood there frozen for a second, processing what just happened. He slapped his cheeks to drag himself out of his thoughts and ran after you. "Oi idiot! come back here!".

"Try and catch me then!" you teased, building up your pace as you ran around the yard. He groaned, frustrated on your childish actions yet he started to chase after you. You little game of tag lasted for a few minutes before you suddenly stopped running and faced the sky as it continued to cry raindrops. Letting out a satisfied sigh, you savored the moment as the water hits your face.

 Suddenly the nostalgia hits you and memories hidden deep within your mind came on the surface, it was like you childhood flash before your eyes. Laughs ringing around the surroundings, never completely hidden by the sound of the rain, mud throwing, puddle jumping and a lot of running around. You let out a bitter sweet laugh and wiped the liquid off your face. You really loved being in the rain, it hides your tears and it calms you down. It was like your comfort zone. 

You were dragged out from your thoughts when you suddenly got swept off your feet and onto your boyfriends abnormally strong arms. "Got 'ya" he whispered as he breathed heavily.

Sighing you let your head rest on his shoulder as he carries you inside the house. With wet clothes and all, he carried you upstairs to the bathroom and carefully placed you down the bathtub. He turned on the water and stared at you, his hands on his hips. "Take a bath before you go to sleep, and don't go staying up all night okay?!" he scolded before turning his back to you and mumbled, "goodnight, Y/n.."

After a few minutes of soaking in warm water, you finally decided to finish your bath and grabbed a towel folded in one of the cabinets in the bathroom. You did your nightly routine and went in your bedroom, sitting down in front of your mirror and started combing your shoulder length hair. 

Before the sun even rose, your sneezes and coughs echoed around your room. You were drenched in your own sweat and your nose was red and running. You wrapped yourself tightly with your thick comforter and tried to stop the shivering of your body. Letting out a frustrated groan, you smack yourself with your palm in complete realization that you didn't listen to Yushiro last night and played in the rain. 

You weren't thinking about the consequences that much since you really needed the break from all the suffocation in the study room. Despite your weakened state, you unconsciously let out a giggle when you thought about how Yushiro would react in seeing you suffering the consequences of your own childishness . Suddenly you felt your eyelids get heavy and was ready to close any second now, without thinking much you let yourself succumb to the darkness and went back to sleep. 

What felt like hours later, you woke up to the feeling of a wet cloth being wiped on your heating face. Lifting your eyelids, you caught sight of Yushiro sitting on the edge of your bed and was holding a wet cloth to your face. His face displayed concern as he stared at your eyes which were slowly opening. The silence of the room was broken when you let out a hoarse laugh, "ah sorry, Yushiro.." you sent him a weak smile before grabbing his unoccupied hand and squeezed it tight. 

He let out a sigh before squeezing your hand back , "go back to sleep, Y/n" he ordered before he continues to wipe your forehead. Why is it that your actions irritated him once in a while yet he can never seem to hate you enough to actually leave you alone. No matter how childish you may act or how stupid your actions were, he can never get over the fact that he fell for you every time you sent that dorky smile of yours. 

"You're totally helpless, y/n" 


A/n: heyyyyy um sorry for posting this really late, I guess you could say i'm losing motivation to continue writing so I took a small break. I'm so sorry for not telling you all, but don't worry I will still continue to write until my draft of request runs out :


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