|Demon! Tanjirou x reader| Your Voice

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Requested by: Yua-Chan_Clown

Disclaimer: The picture above is not mine. Credits to the original owner


In the midst of a clear evening, your eyes slowly fluttered open, revealing the dark wood ceiling of the unfamiliar room you were rested. As you searched your eyes around the room, you felt the soft covers of a blanket covering your lower body. Deciding to search more, you sat up from the bed, when you suddenly felt a rush of pain all over your torso and causing you to roughly fall back on the pillows with a grunt.

The room was filled with silence with only the moon and the candle as source of light to the dimly lit room. Suddenly the door opened slowly. Your eyes darted to the doorway where the newcomer had entered.

When he entered, his wine colored eyes fell to your pained expression. Concern flashed on his innocent face as he ran to you in worry, his voice muffled by the bamboo muzzle.

A sigh of relief left your lips when you found your travel partner's older demon brother run up to you, his eyes filled with worry. The memories flashed through your mind from the battle. You remembered the futile fight you had against the father spider demon with a certain demon slayer with a boar mask by your side. You remembered falling on your knees in relief and exhaustion when this strong demon slayer appeared and beheaded the demon without breaking a sweat.

It awakened you of the thought that, you weren't strong enough to face these demon. The dejected feeling that was bubbling in your chest remained as you were carried by a Kakushi then later fell unconscious.

Tanjirou was seated on a chair right beside your bed, still worried by the pained grunt he heard from you when he entered.

"I'm glad you're okay, i was worried what happened to you and the others when we separated." You sighed in relief.

"Are the others sleeping?" you asked the red head.

Since his mouth were covered with the bamboo muzzle, he could only hum and nod in response. You diverted your attention to the wrapped bandages on your torso and tried once again to sit up, more carefully this time. Immediately, Tanjirou reached out his arms to support your back as he helps you sit up, despite the worried face he was making.

You found yourself panting from sitting up that used a lot of your healing strength. The room was suffocating and you wanted to get some fresh air, yet with your current injuries it was hard to even sit up from your bed.

"Uh.. um Tanjirou-san?" you started, a warm feeling traveling to your cheeks. He looked up and answered with a hum. "Can you help me stand? I want to go outside for some fresh air."

It was embarrassing for you to ask, you didn't want to bother anyone ever since you were young. Your parents were working day and night that you didn't want to bother them in spending time with you, from then on you learned to become independent and never ask for anyone's help.

Your eyes slightly widened when he stayed silent but moved closer to you to assist you. His other arm was wrapped around your waist as he wrapped your arms around his neck. With his body as support, you started walking towards the door and left the room.

When you arrived at the porch of the garden, you took a step on the grass with your barefoot and admired the magical scene in front of you. The garden was filled with fireflies and where the moon shined its light on the flowers and reflecting on the clear waters of the small pond. You laid down on the grass with you arms on your head as cushion.

"Come lay with me. The stars look lovely." you invited him, gesturing your head to the space beside you.

If he hadn't had the muzzle covering his lips, he would've smiled at you before sitting down and wrapping his arms over his knees. A comfortable silence surround the both of you as you stared at the clear sky where the stars and the moon glowed so brightly.

"Hey.. can I take off your muzzle?" you asked in curiosity. You wondered of how he looked like without the muzzle ever since you met him and his sister.

He contemplated for a minute before nodding and his hand went to the knot tied behind his head. It lasted a few seconds before his eyebrows knitted in frustration, clearly struggling to untie the muzzle. A laugh escaped your lips with the thought of a strong demon struggling to untie a knot. You sat up and leaned into him, "turn around so I can help you."

Turning around, he pouted and crossed his arms, embarrassed that he had to be helped with such a simple task. When the bamboo fell onto his lap he turned around and faced you.

Your eyes widened for a second before you immediately turned around and covered your mouth with your hand. How does one become more handsome than they already are? you ask yourself, not knowing the flush of pink creeping to your cheeks.

Tanjirou tilted his head in confusion to your back that faced him. Did he do something wrong?

"Are... you..alright?" you heard a voice speak, adding to your shock. Your head whipped around to see his confused face, as if he didn't speak earlier.

You placed your hands on both sides of his shoulders, eye widened. "You just spoke!" you exclaimed. Though he was struggling, it was still surprising to hear his voice.

He only smiled which caused you to pause your movements and took your hands off him. You started to fidget with your fingers while avoiding his look, feeling awkward all of a sudden.


You face immediately heated up by the sound of him calling your name with his sweet voice of his. Why did it sound so different when he call your name? you asked yourself in panicked confusion.

"Y/n-san?" he repeated. You covered your face with your hands and turned around.


Seeing how you were reacting, he started to call your name over and over again just to tease you. A smile was visible on his lips as he leaned over to you and calling your name.

"Ah! that's enough!" you exclaimed and turned to him, still flustered.

When he started laughing it was like music to your ears and it left your dumbfounded to the point where you can feel the loud pounding of your heart ringing in your ears. If only this moment lasted longer.

You stayed in the garden until dawn, just laying around and making flower crowns. Every now and then he would talk and answer you, which was still new to you but you were starting to be used to his soothing voice. Once it was almost sunrise, both of you went inside and parted ways with the lingering thought and hoping to spend time with each other once again.

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