|Kokushibou x reader| If Only

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Requested by: Hachihoe
SPOILER WARNING! Contains stuff from the manga, if you don't want to get spoiled might as well click out of this oneshot.

You were out of breath, your whole body was in pain, but you kept on going. You kept your stance as you charged at the demon in front of you, wailing out battle cries. Once again, you were thrown back, your back hitting a wall almost breaking your bones in the process. You kept thinking to yourself on how you got into this situation, you were only a mere and powerless demon slayer. 

No special training, abilities not even close to a Hashira, yet you kept on trying. Your will to fight is the only thing you held on to, it was the only thing you had in mind to kept going forward and kill the demons who tormented the weak humans like you but it was also your Achilles heel.

In times, having a strong will to fight is reckless, as many people would say. You didn't have that much sense of judgement, you are fully fueled with emotions that you know it might be your fall someday. 

Cussing, you shot a glance at the currently recovering Hashiras beside you. You had no choice but to cause a distraction for the knocked out Hashiras. 

The demon looked at you curiously, his six eyes danced with amusement. What an interesting girl you are, there's nothing special about you yet you stubbornly stood up and fight back. All he can think off right now is to be polite and fight with the same efforts as you, after all you already got his respects and attention. 

In a blink of an eye he suddenly went up in front of your face, causing your eyes to widen and back a few inches away. He studied your eyes closely, his rough hand running along your jaw. You glared at the demon and gripped his wrist, a futile attempt to take his hands off your face. "Such a beautiful girl, yet has an astounding blood lust.." His cold voice ringed in your ears as he calmly stood in front of you. His lips quirk upright forming a smirk when he noticed the shaking hand that was holding the Nichirin blade. 

"Are you terrified, darling?.." He mocked, sending you a hard kick to the stomach. Pain shot through your stomach as you landed away from him, you wrapped your arms around your stomach hoping the pain to go away sooner. Miraculously, the blow didn't throw you off your feet instead you kept on standing while gripping your stomach.

"What's your name, girl?" he demanded, taking slow steps towards you. Your teeth clenched together and before you held your tongue, you dumbly revealed your name to the demon "Y/n". You cussed and sighed, instantly regretting it as soon as your name came out of your mouth. 

"Ah It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/n. My name's Kokushibou" and with that, he immediately charged at you and before you could shield yourself, a pain shot up to your neck and you immediately lost consciousness. 

Kokushibou let out a sigh before scooping you up in his arms. "You, my dear, is such a complete disaster." he walked out with you in his arms, looking for a safe place for you to rest. Leaning close to your ears he whispered "stop picking fights with someone you clearly aren't ready for..". He placed you on the ground letting you lean on the wall behind, putting down your sword beside you and with one last look, he returned to the Hashiras to finish what was already starting.

Kokushibou couldn't help but think about you again. If only I could meet you again in another world, I'd wish to know more about you. Unfortunately, we met at an interesting situation, Y/n..


A/N: I'm so sorry I took so long to update, I was just busy with school stuff and i couldn't think of a suitable idea for Kokushibou. But! thanks to the Writing prompts from pinterest, it really helped me out a lot. This was really short >.< i'm so sorry! i'll do better next time.

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