6 - A Hellish Nightmare

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"Who the hell are you?!" Endeavor's voice, boomed through the streets. His anger had erupted, and all he saw now, was red.

"Name's Dabi. I have to say, it's nice to finally meet you. Another flame quirk. Perfect to test out how strong I am."

"You burned my daughter, and you threatened my life. You won't be walking out of here alive." Dabi smiled, hearing Endeavor's words.

"Wow, such a hero. Threatening to kill someone. Isn't that exactly, what All Might was preaching to not do? Oh wait, you wouldn't know. Since you're always behind him, you can't hear him speak." Endeavor growled. Dabi had him. This is exactly where he wanted him. Angered, bloodthirsty, and ready to kill. Endeavor wasn't really needed for the plan to go through, but for Dabi, this was a bonus.

"I'll burn your throat out for that!"

"Ooh, touchy, touchy. Someone definitely didn't eat their Wheaties today." Dabi laughed. He held up his left hand, having his palm face the sky, while he took a classic anime pose. He lit it up with his flames, showing Endeavor, he was ready to fight.

"You really think, I'll back down because your fire is blue?!" Dabi laughed again.

"Hell no! I know you wouldn't pass up a chance, to brutally fucking char someone! I'm showing you, that there isn't a chance in hell, that I'm going down without a fight."

"Is that so!" Endeavor went into full blown, hellfire mode, heating up his flames to unimaginable temperatures.





Lucky for Fuyumi, Hawks had gained consciousness again, just in time to rescue her from certain death. Using his feathers, he sent into the area she was standing, pulling her out to avoid the flames. Fuyumi was shaking badly. One, because of the immense pain she was in. He arm felt like it had been dunked in lava. The burn may have only been the top layer of skin, but anyone who has been burned knows, that shit fucking hurts.

The other reason she was shaking, was the fear of what transpired in front of her. She had never, in her life, been so close to death before. Yes her father was a piece of trash, that deserved every form of punishment, but he still at least gave her food and treated her right. The same can't be said for her brother, or sister, and she definitely felt the ire from both of them. They acted all nice, but were definitely upset, calling favoritism. Moving on though.

In this instance, she was staring the countess of the underworld, right in the face. The flames lit up in her eyes, looking to her, like they wanted to eat her alive. The jaws of a fiery, brutal end, licked its chops, staring her down, like a lion does its prey. Keigo could feel her shaking and did his best, to try to calm her down. He wrapped her up in his wings and arms, holding her as close as he could.

"It's ok Fuyu. I'm here. I'm here."

"K-Keigo.....I-I'm s-s-scared...." Hawks rubbed her hair softly.

"I know baby, I know. I won't let anything happen to you." Fuyumi buried her head into his chest, pulling herself as close as humanly possible.

"I love you, Keigo."

"I love you too." He kissed her forehead sweetly, trying to shield her from the noise of flames colliding behind them.


"GAAAAAAHHHHH!" Hawks cried out in pain, letting go of Fuyumi, as he felt a blade go straight through his upper back.

"How touching Hawks. You think you can protect the woman you love? Heh heh heh. She'd be better off trying to jump from Mount Fuji and survive."

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