17 - Sukio Origin

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"Momma? What happens when we die?" A smol, gray haired boy, hiding a plushie of Endeavor, ran to a woman, who had royal blue hair, as well as an eye patch on her left eye. She took a second from cooking their dinner, before shifting her perspective towards her son. She saw how adorable he looked, not being able to hold in a smile.

"What makes you ask that sweetie?" The boy twirled a bang of his hair, entangled with his right index. His unique, blackened eyes, with his signature red irises, glowed brightly with curiosity. His mother giggled at her son's cuteness, fawning over how adorable he was.

"W-well.....P-Papa d-died and I wanted t-to know, if I could ever see him again." Her expression dropped, the moment she heard the tortured soul, leaking into his normally, cheery voice. She turned off the stove, so the house wouldn't burn down. She removed her apron and set it on the counter, before walking over to her son. Placing her hands underneath his armpits, picking him up in the process. She carried him over to their couch, where the sat against the comfortable leather.

Never before has Mayaki Sukio, Kajime's mother, ever thought she'd hear her eight year old son, ask about death. Actually, most parents wouldn't. It such and out there question. Hell even some adults, refrain from asking something, quite as gravitational, as that question. But it happened. Mayaki tried to formulate an answer best she could, but couldn't really muster together a convincing set of words. At least, a set that would appease her son.

"Kajime....I can't say I necessarily know the answer." Her son sulking slightly. "But that doesn't mean I can't try."

"Really?!" He asked with such energy. It genuinely warmed her heart, even if the topic was slightly on the nose.

"Mhm! You see, when we die, we don't die completely." Such a perplexing answer, and Kajime knew it. He couldn't make heads or tails, of what Mayaki had just told him. Death is permanent. Right? You can't come back from it. At least that's what every kid in his school says.

"How, momma? All my friends say, we only live once." She giggled and booped his nose.

"Physically we do. However our spirit is the most powerful thing in the universe. It will live on, so long as the one you loved, remember you for all time. So little one, will you always remember Papa?" Kajime spoke his head, fueled by pride and joy.

"I will never forget him!"

"That's my boy. Now come on. Dinner will get cold."


"Oi! Sukio! Fucker's asleep again." Dabi walked over to the man, who had been meditating on a nearby boulder. He slowly opened his eyes, to meet the one with patchy skin.

They had been there for almost two hours, and the whole time they partook in entertaining Gigantomacchia, he ignored them completely. It was honestly odd. Normally he was quick to trigger his rage and brutally decimate anyone in his path. Leaving hardly any of their flesh and bone, to ever be discovered. Today, was far from a normal day. The titanic monster, paid no mind, nor did he have any want, to communicate with the duo who approached him. They even got as close as the had liked, and still nothing. This was turning out to be quite the folly.

"It would seem so." Dabi heard Sukio sigh. Knowing that the heat was only going to intensify, he pulled off his black, leather jacket, opting for just his white, wife-beater.

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