25 - Power Play

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Izuku did his best to hold his breath as still as possible. The gravity of the situation, simply made Jupiter feel like the moon. He could almost feel darkness encircle the mall. A blanket if menacing black clouds, with scores of red lightning flickering throughout.  Everyone around the two, appeared to simply disappear. Sukio's presence alone, suffocated the air from the trees and flora around them. Izuku even felt his own bubble of oxygen, be swept away from him. Popped like a stray balloon, unlucky enough to get caught in a wayward set of fanblades. He couldn't have been anymore terrified, than this moment right now.

Sukio on the other hand, couldn't have been more delighted. This couldn't have worked out any better. Here he was going for a stroll, when a little birdie came and told him, thay Izuku would be at the mall. Oh could you believe the excitement on his face. Izuku Midoriya, the ninth wielder of One for All, the very antithesis of what Sukio had become, just out for a little day of shopping. My oh my, nothing could've made this any better. Only it could. You see, that same little birdie, also informed Sukio that not only would it be Izuku, but the entire class of 1-A itself. Oh things were looking up now. Like a child on their birthday, the smug smile he had to hide because the center of attention was him, could rival even that of the Mask. Izuku didn't know it, but what he did, just let Sukio get one of the biggest wins of his life. Without having to strain a muscle.

"You know, the world works in strange ways. Sometimes you can leave your decisions up to fate, or to luck. Regardless of how you pick your battles, it doesn't matter. They're both the same thing. You don't know fate, so you have to rely on luck that it's a good one. So imagine how I must be feeling, getting to finally meet you. It's like euphoria to me. I've already shot you in the back, and you didn't even know it was coming. That's really unbelievable. Isn't it?" Sukio rambled on, doing his best to try to through Izuku off.

"What do you want from me? I-I've never d-done anything to you." Sukio let go of a breathy chuckle, amused by his adversary's bravado.

"There's really only one thing I want. It's nothing to major, but big enough to where I care immensely, if you don't give me a straight answer."

"....o-okay. What i-is it?" Sukio Stull felt that Deku was trying to be defiant. So to combat this, he decided to go deep into his bag of tricks.

"You see. I'm not a man, who waits for things to go his way. I take what I want, when I want. If you have a problem with it-" Sukio pulled up a picture of Shoka on a really weird looking phone. Izuku grunted as Sukio crushed the phone in his palm. "-then those who appose it, lose everything the ever loved."


"Good boy." The silver haired male tossed the phone over to a trash can, throwing it in with a perfect swish. Shame he didn't yell Kobe. "You see, I've been having this itch about you heroes. About what you're fighting for. Truth? Justice? The greater good? It's all so.....boring. Imagine it. A world without some chaos and uncertainty, just isn't fun at all. And plus, if you do eliminate crime and villainy, you'd be left without a job. Why would you want that? You'd be jobless, then homeless. With no way to support your family, or even yourself. Is that the world heroes want? Oh wait. They've already made it that way. Why? Well look at how these puppets treat the quirkless and those, with quirks deemed "villainous." Are you kidding me? So because of society's bullshit outlook on how a good citizen should be like, thousands upon thousands of people have to resort to crime. Some of them have families. Some are without a home and need the money. Others are disowned by their own flesh and blood, forcing them to find a home with a villain, or crime boss. I mean, I've already recruited a few people, who've checked all those boxes. It's so......pathetic, honestly. This is the world you all want? Really?"

Izuku pondered Sukio's words with serious intent. What he said, couldn't be true. Heroes couldn't have caused this. Those villains chose to take that path. They chose darkness over the light. They let themselves be consumed by the void, rather than seeking refuge where it's safe. Right? But, no. Some people may be truly evil, yet others, it wasn't the case at all. In fact, there were some evil souls trying to be heroes. Endeavor was a prime example of this. His aura wasn't that of a protector. It was that of a destroyer. Willing to teardown the foundation of his own family, just for the sake of beating his "rival." It's sickening just how much he threatened Shoka. And yet, he was still considered a hero. Until, the incident. Then Izuku thought more into it, coming across one name. One name he hated to pieces, yet always let walk all over him.

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