22 - All For One

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"Now hold on a second. How do we know you're not lying and trying and get close to UA? We know about your dangerous side, so don't think you can pull anything."

Aizawa put on a very infuriated face. He had heard of Villains, attempting to coerce people into believing, they were family before. This type of behavior wasn't new. What had been new, came with the sheer fact, that Izuku was know fifteen. A teenager. A child. Manipulating someone like that, no matter how vulnerable they are, was as deplorable as one could get. But then again....it WAS All for One.

"I understand your concern Eraser. I am not someone who has any right, to ask for your trust. However, and All Might knows this, if I say something, I do not lie."

"You still manipulate and coerce others into your bidding! Lying would be to you, as breathing is to us!" AFO rotated his body, to meet All Might's. The number one stared him down, looking more akin to a murderous tyrant, rather than a hero.

"Inko Midoriya. Born July 4th, 2XXX, in Yokohama City, Japan. Mother was named Yuna, while her father's name remained unknown. Her mother had a small scale telekinetic quirk, allowing her to bring small objects towards her general vicinity. A quirk that passed on directly to Inko. The father's being however, remained a mystery. He wasn't present for her birth, nor was he present for a good portion of her childhood. She lived a relatively quiet life with her mother, while her father made scarce appearances. He loved her as much as a father could, but due to his work, was unable to properly settle down and enjoy a family life. Once the girl turned sixteen, her father instructed that she and her mother, move to Musutafu. This was in order to keep them safe from his enemies. Once he had made, throughout his many years of villainy. This also was due, to the fact that police and heroes, hounded them both. Due to their last name, they could not escape the scrutiny of the do-gooders who littered the cities. However, it was almost all alone for, when the woman married at the age of twenty-four. Allowing her to drop her maiden name, and take on a new one. That of Inko Midoriya. Finally freeing her of the name, Shigaraki."

The whole room was stunned. Izuku, All Might, Aizawa, Nezu, Midnight, Cementoss, Mic, Ectoplasm, and Vlad King, stood completely shell shocked. The latter few heroes were instructed to be present, in case of AFO trying something heinous. But he still managed to win the day, by leaving them all utterly, mentally broken. There was no way he was lying now. He couldn't have said all of that, in such meticulous detail, without having been present. He obviously knew more, than what he spewed out. It was obvious. The small tidbits they receive, were but a fraction of the full story. It really didn't matter, how much more he said. What mattered, came from the fact that he told the truth. All sense of doubt, could be thrown out of the building. At least, for the most part.

For how believable and in depth the story telling was....it originated from All for One's mouth. A villain, who dominated the shadows for hears, until his untimely "death." A man who's lies could start a world war and then end that very same war, with a different set of false truths. This had been a true villain, devoid of a heart, who had been know to toy with and manipulate his subjects, as if they were puppets. That fact alone, was just enough to keep the tides out of his favor. And Shigaraki knew this.

"I can comprehend the looks on your faces, quite well. You still do not believe it to be true. That is to be expected  I can assure you, that it is no lie. If you still side with disbelief, then I urge you to speak with my daughter. It is the only feasible way, to obtain any answers. But you'd be accomplishing nothing, by standing here and gawking."

None answered him. No one could find the words, to come up with any sort of response. Shock and awe, filled all of their heads. There wasn't any emotion, because none could feel any emotion. Were they scared? Astonished? Confused? Angry? Maybe all of the above. There wasn't a cohesive sense of stability either. Everything shattered. Minds, hearts, spirits, you name it. That was, until one person decided to speak up. And spoilers, it wasn't All Might.

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