14 - Love And Recovery

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Izuku and Shoka, were in pure bliss and joy. Finally moving past all of their insecurities, uncertainties, self-doubts, and general density, they could finally hold each other in their arms. Not having to do it out of a sense of fear, but a sense of love. Love that was so blatantly obvious, it was surprising Mina didn't just force them to kiss. Seeing how these two, were so oblivious to their own feelings. Though, that is a story for another day.

Shoka and her boyfriend, God how she loved that she could say that now, decided to get a little nap. Izuku had exerted too much energy, trying to walk to her. Despite Shoka's half-hearted protests, Deku was easily able to get her to lay down with him. She blushed like a strawberry, as she felt his soft, yet muscly arms, ring themselves around her. Yet she wasn't complaining. All the times of thinking about what it would be like, to be held by him, now finally made themselves reality. To her, it was heaven. Nothing could top this feeling. The warmth from his body. The faint scent of mint, coming from his chest. His slow, calming breaths, that brisked against her forehead. All of it, was just perfect. A perfect way, to end her day.

Then she had to turn on the TV.

"This just in. The missing hero Endeavor, was spotted briefly in Kamino Ward, in Yokohama City. Sources say the Flame Hero was in a daze and did not quite look like, he was completely in the right mindset. However as citizens began to gather around, Endeavor fire his trademark Flashfire Fist, incinerating nearly forty civilians. Shortly after, he disappeared without a trace. A manhunt is currently under way-"

"What the-....Izuku! Why did you do that?!" Shoka clambered for the remote, but Izuku, even with his waning strength, held her away from it. He kept an intense glare onto her, knowing she didn't need anymore stress or pain on her mind.

"Shoka calm down. You don't need anymore negative things on your mind." She tackled him to the bed, trying to reach for the remote. Both were now unaware, of the very....precarious position, the icyhot girl now had herself in. It didn't matter, with her efforts still aiming for the remote.

"I know I hate the bastard, but it's still my father." She stretched herself out, nearly laying flat onto Izuku's chest. Izuku could feel her surpringly plump, but very soft chest, press into him. He shifted his gaze down to their bodies, noticing how they looked. A blush, brushed over him. He became super overheated, while his eyes betrayed him, staring directly down her open collar.

"U-um....Sh-Shoka?" She stopped reaching for the device and turned her face down to her boyfriend's.

"What?" Izuku didn't answer. He rather just brought his free hand up, making a pointing motion to their current postures. Shoka furrowed her brows, but gave into her curiosity, looking to where he was pointing. Once she saw what Izuku saw, a blush spread across her entire body as well. Though unlike her cinnamon roll boyfriend, a mischievous smile spread over her.

Shoka couldn't tell you what came across her, nor why she felt this sudden urge, but her body was already giving in, to her urges. Forgetting about the remote, she leaned her head down to Izuku. Positioning her lips about a centimeter from him, she held them there, while the two slowly let out breaths against each other.

"Shoka, what are you doing?" She lowered her forehead onto his.

"I don't know, Izuku. It.....it just feels right. I've waited so long to be with you....now.....I can't let go." In her mind, she was screaming at herself to stop. Yet at the same time, it felt so right.

Izuku was different, than any other guy who tried to be with her. Which unsurprisingly to us, was a very common occurrence. Most men just wanted her, to get close to Endeavor. Mainly to try to get into some hero secrets, or bribe the man into letting them get off scot-free with crimes. It was the same story, over and over. They would attempt to seduce Shoka and because that never worked, they would try to swindle her father, into setting an arranged marriage. Which also, never worked. Endeavor was never into letting his "prized possession", be one for herself. One where she could make her own decisions, choosing who to love, and who to associate with. And the fact that Izuku was so obviously the guy, that she truly loved, Endeavor was having none of it.

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