13 - Heart of Ice

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Shoka was a mess. Seeing her crush have to endure what he did, killed her inside. The feeling of hopelessness, setting in, as she watched Izuku save her life. Only to nearly lose his. It had been a couple days since the incident, and those two days were nothing but hell. For not just Shoka, but her classmates as well.

For one, Iida, Tokoyami, and Shoka, were all reprimanded pretty hard by the Hosu Police Cheif. Even though he was grateful for their actions, the fact that they weren't proper heros, or even provisionals, meant they essentially broke the law. It definitely didn't sit well. The fact that they took down the HERO KILLER, but were the ones getting in trouble, angered them all greatly. Luckily a deal was struck, that allowed for the teens to get off scot-free. If they didn't take any credit, and if they kept the fact they evem fought him away from the public, then the credit would be given to Miruko. Which was the obvious choice of action.

If there wasn't another problem. Izuku.

He was in a hospital bed, fighting for his life, while his mother basically sprinted from Musutafu, just to be by his side. This is what destroyed Shoka inside. The fact that she couldn't be by him. Not by Inko's choice, or even by the hospital's, but by her own. Shoka wanted to be there. She wanted to hd his hand and tell him, she was there for him. But...she couldn't. In her own, screwed way of thinking, it was her fault. He was injured, trying to save her. Not Iida. Not Tokoyami. Her. A fact that kept shattering her heart, anytime it came to mind.

One, that probably solidified the fact, that she wouldn't confess to Izuku.

"Hey Sho. How are you doing?" Shoka was half asleep, sitting in the lobby of the fourth floor. Her sister came to comfort her, as her mother of course wasn't there. And her brother was currently studying abroad.

"I....miss him." Fuyumi wrapped her left arm around Shoka, while she placed her head onto Sho's crown.

"I know. He's a tough cookie. He'll make it through. I promise." Shoka began to sniffle and tear up

"I-i-i d-did t-this. T-t-this i-is my-my fault." Fuyumi calmly shushed her, rubbing circles on her back to soothe her mood.

"No you didn't. You didn't know what was going to happen, and he acted on his own."

"Y-y-you w-weren't th-there. He g-got hurt, t-trying to s-save me."

"....why do you think he did?"

"C-cause that's who h-he is?" Fuyumi pulled away and brought Shoka's eyes, to meet hers.

"No silly. He nearly died for you, because he loves you. From what Keigo told me, he is a selfless character. Yet, he told me about how Midoriya is around you. That Gran Torino guy said he never shut up about you. Your friend Tokoyami said something about.....the hands of fate.....or whatever, but even he knew. Heck, even that Iid-"

"Don't say his name!" Shoka's anger exploded, nearly letting her flames burst out. Fuyu was able to calm her enough, but she could feel her burn scar, seeth with pain as her body heated up.

"Okay. Okay. Sorry. I forgot you were still mad at him." Shoka didn't answer back. She just closed her eyes and let her body finally get some rest.

"Hello there. Are you by chance....Shoka Todoroki?" Fuyumi looked up to see a slightly plump, green haired woman, walking up to her. Fuyumi leaned away from her sister, gently placing her head onto the wall behind them.

"No. I'm Fuyumi Todoroki, Shoka's sister. That sleeping beauty right there is Shoka." She stood and motioned to her sister, who was peacefully slumbering in the seat. The woman, who was Midoriya's mother, peeked over to Shoka. When she laid eyes on her, a smile crept on to her face. Immediately seeing her, a sigh of relief was released.

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