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(My first take on a My Hero Academia fanfiction. This story focuses on a Quirkless OC (wow, surprise from me of all people… that's sarcasm) and how they deal with the Quirk world after getting in an accident that caused him to get superpowers. So he kind of does have a Quirk but at the same time doesn't since Quirks are given through genetics and since this character didn't receive a Quirk in his childhood, his superpowers are not a Quirk but at the same time have Quirk like abilities.

I'm aiming for this story to be similar to Joaquin Phoenix's Joker where the story focuses on the titular character: a protagonist villain. Yes. That means that the main character of this story is a villain but at the same time said story focuses on him and his interactions dealing with his newfound meta-abilities as well as his development from going from a Quirkless, shy character to a traumatized, rage driven, hate filled supervillain.

I'm hoping that this character would both be relatable and at the same time as well liked. Not for his ideals but how his character was formed going through a major development.

Anyway. Without further ado, here's the story.

No jokes this time. Sorry :c)

Around some time ago, a couple centuries ago, an unusual outbreak spread across the world where people were born or given superpowers, or meta abilities, throughout the world. At first it was an epidemic and immediately became widespread news. The first case to ever be reported was when a baby was born in Qingqing where it glowed bright light from its body. Ever since then, these meta abilities have been spreading across the world to the point where it became the norm of the world. These meta abilities… were called Quirks.

Centuries later, Quirks are still here to this day. About 80% of the human population have Quirks while 20% are left without Quirks. Quirks built the modern world. Jobs became easier with certain Quirks. It even became a profession. All those superhero comics came to life when Pro Heroes started showing up. People used their Quirks to become heroes to help save people. However, with heroes comes villains, people who use their Quirks for their own selfish, dastardly reasons.

But what makes a person a hero? What defines a hero? Is it someone that saves people? Someone who helps other people? The definition of a hero is so complex that it would take half of the day just to successfully define it. When people think of heroes these days, they automatically ask, "What's their Quirk?" What is it that makes them a hero? Is it their Quirks? People think too much about Quirks, they forget about the other 20% of the population.

The Quirkless were once the "normal" people while the Quirks were the freaks. However, ever since Quirks continued to spread, it soon became the next best thing. Soon, the roles were reversed. Quirks became the norm while the Quirkless became the freaks. Ever since then, the Quirkless became the gum on the bottom of their shoes. The Quirkless has endured years of torment and constant prejudice. A play for power by leaders who cared more about their legacy… than their people.

We were mocked in the streets. Tossed aside like rats. We wanted to revolt but were outnumbered by the Quirks. We grew hungrier, not for food or for power… but for justice… Even the heroes didn't treat us right. For too long they have mocked and tormented us. Let them try to ignore us now. These "heroes" were created to help and protect the Quirkless and yet they take part one the mockery and harassment. Which brings up the important question…

What is a hero?


A young boy with black hair and a single blue stripe down the side that looked to be the age of 4 was in a doctor's office along with his mother and father, while a doctor holding a clipboard sat in front of them. This young boy was named Koru Yuki, only child to his mother and father. His mother was a real estate agent while his father worked for the government. His mother had the quirk called Claws, which granted her freakishly long claws from her fingers while his father had the quirk called Pounce, which allowed him to pounce far distances, able to leap over two buildings at once.

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