Chapter 8: The Battle of Sunset city (Arc 3 Final)

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The feel of a slight earthquake is felt within the Sewers where everyone that used to Live in Sunset city lived has now hiding underground and getting away from the battle that is happening above.

We see Ave gathering everyone at the main area of the Sewer so they can get ready to leave after it was turn out that Gavin have kept them here this whole time and lied about a safe way off the city underneath the city.

Now we see Y/n and Shirumi within Gavin's office and told them that the reason why Eggman is here is because of the chaos Emerald that he found which shocked them before Shirumi asked.

Shirumi: (shocked) How could you kept a Chaos Emerald and never give it to the freedom fighters?

Gavin: (nervous) I-I didn't know it was that important until Eggman showed up.

Y/n: But you kept everyone here so they will listen to you?

Gavin: Yes!

Y/n: I can't believe someone like you would have take a Chaos Emerald, not report it to Sally or anyone in the Freedom fighters and now Eggman and his army are attacking the city because of you!

Gavin: (anger) I kept everyone alive!

Y/n: (anger) By trapping everyone here and lie about there is no exit!

Shirumi: Listen where is the Chaos Emerald?

Gavin: If I remember it correctly I think it's still at my old office up in the surface.

Y/n: Then that means I need to find it and possibly end this battle.

Gavin: Hey, you can't just walk in and take something that is mine! That's illegal!

Y/n: Tell to the person who shut down the defence system within the city.

Gavin was about to argue back but Y/n left the room and have enough talking to him. He exit out of the room and walk through the halls until Shirumi catch up to him and walks up beside him and asked.

Shirumi: What should we do now?

Y/n: I'll take yous to the surface and yous will make a run for it to the hills while I go to the mayor's office ans grap that Emerald.

Shirumi: Are you gonna do this on your own?

Y/n: Maybe but I gonna try.

Shirumi: But let me come with you.

Y/n: I'm sorry but it's too dangerous.

Shirumi: Still you need some back up do I'm coming. Besides I know my way to the city so you need someone to guide you to his office.

Y/n see her point and he doesn't know this city very well so she got him there.

Y/n: Alright you can come but you need to stay close to me as possible, understood.

Shirumi nods with a little blush on her cheeks when he told her to stay close to him as possible.

Soon they regroup with everyone else and Ave spotted them and rush over and asked.

Ave: Everyone is gathered. Now what?

Y/n: Now we get out of here and get back to the surface.

Ave: (smirk) Awesome, let's go!

Shirumi: But how do we know it is safe?

Y/n: You said that door lead us to the park which is outside of the battle right?

Shirumi: Y-Yes but thanks to Gavin dissemination it, I'm not too sure.

Y/n: (smile) Well......let's test that theory of yours.

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