Chapter 26: Fight your counterpart self

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Explosions are seen in the distance in the woods as both Metal Y/n and Y/n continue their battle as we cut into the battle as we see Y/n being thrown and slammed onto a tree and fell onto wthe ground. Metal Y/n walks over to him and was about to stomp on his head but Y/n rolled out of the way just as Metal Y/n stomps his feet to where Y/n was.

Y/n stood back up and pulls out his burst wispon and fire flames at Metal Y/n trying to damage him but he walks through the flames like they were nothing to him and grabs his Wispon and throws it out of his hand and throws it away. He grabs Y/n by the neck and lift him up in the air as he stare Y/n as he tells him.

Metal Y/n: You may have all thw Wispon but try your best because I'll always get pass them all. You and your friends will stand no chance against me.

Sonic: We'll see about that!

Metal Y/n drops Y/n and turn and catch Sonic's spin attack as Metal Y/n grabs him like it doesn't hurt him as he throws Sonic that sent him flying and crash through a wall and land on a table where the girls are sitting in the living talking when Sonic burst through the wall and land on a table and crush it.

Tangle: (smile) Oh hey Sonic. How is your fight with shadow going?

Sonic: Um yeah we already stop that. We're now fighting someone else.

They were confused but when they got outside they see Y/n fighting Metal Y/n as Metal Y/n throws Y/n to the ground and fire lighting at him which he dodge while the girls watch this go on.

Amy: (shocked) Is that a Metal version is Y/n?!

Silver: Yeah and I think that's the same robot that I saw in the future.

Shadow, Silver, Tails, Knuckles and Omega came up to with them with the still uncomfortable Whisper.

Tangle: (shocked) What happened to her?!

Tails: We believe Metal Y/n attacked her and now he's now attacking Y/n.

Tangle: (smirk) Well can't let Y/n have all the fun. I know, I'll tie Metal Y/n up so Y/n will get the upper hand!

Jewel: just be careful Tangle.

Tangle nods as she race over while both Metal Y/n and Y/n were fighting as she leaps up and use her tail to tie up the Metal Y/n and once that Tangle calls out.

Tangle: Now, this is the chance for a counter attack Y/n!

Y/n: Um Tangle.

She turn to see she accidentally tie up Y/n instead which she nervous chuckle while saying.

Tangle: Whoops, sorry.

Metal Y/n sees this as stupidly but this was his chance to end their lives once and for al-

Eggman: (radio) Metal Y/n, can you hear me! Do you copy!?

Metal Y/n: I'm here sir.

Eggman: (radio) Where the heck did you go! I told you to return back to base after you Scout the area for a choas Emerald!

Metal Y/n: Sir I am just-

Eggman: (radio) Oh never mind! Return to base immediately!

Metal Y/n: As you wish.

Once he hears up Tangle was just done letting Y/n go as Metal Y/n active his boosters and takes off mid air but before he leaves he warns Y/n and the rest.

Metal Y/n: This ain't the last time you see me! The next time we battle, we will see who will fall and who will rise.

Then he flies off as they watch him leave as Silver knows it have to be him he saw in the future, no doubt about it.

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