Chapetrr 90: Fall of the Freedom fighters (Arc 5)

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We see Y/n, Sonic, Tangle, Whisper, Tails, Fiona and SNT sailing on the boat and following the direction where Sally and Nicole will be at.

Everyone was quiet and thinking to themselves including Y/n who had a lot on his mind. He feels like the Freedom fighters is crumbling apart and they all know that. Even if they bring Sally back what is left for them?

Tails: We're getting close.

Whisper gets on top of the boat and with her incredible eye sight she can see a island along with Eggman's secret island base.

Whisper: I see it.

Tangle: So what is the plan?

Y/n: For what I've come up with is this. Sonic, two cost some directions and lower every robot away.

Sonic: (smirk) I like that plan.

Y/n: Fiona and SNT will find a way inside and get access to the door at the entrance. Once inside Tangle and Whisper will locate Nicole exile I'll fine Sally.

Tangle: You sure you want to do this alone?

Y/n: I'm sure. I made a promise and I will keep it.

With that they made it to the island. They climb up some rocks and soon they poke theie head out and sees Eggmans robots patrolling outside in front of the entrance door.

They turn to Sonic and Tails as they nod to them and Sonic and Tails make their way over to a bunch of robots and get their attention.

Sonic: Over here metal heads!

Tails throws an egg at one and they ran while the robots chase after them. Once the entrance is clear the rest rushes over to the door. Fiona and SNT split off and look around for a entrance and soon they found a vent.

Fiona opens the vent and she crawl through first along with SNT. They crawl through the vent until they stumble apon the control room with Eggman robots in it.

Fiona: (smirk) Watch this.

Fiona opens the vent and then drops down and lands on top of a Eggman bot. The rest turn and open fire at her but she immediately picked up one of their own weapon and fire at them.

She took a few out but then one came up behind her but SNT came down and smashes the bot with her Cube wispon.

Fiona: (smirk) Nice.

SNT: (smile) Thanks. So do you know how to open the front door?

Fiona: I have my own way.

She then fire at the controls which cost it to explode but the entrance door open which allow Y/n, Tangle and Whisper to enter.

They rush through the hallway only to come across more Eggman robots. Tangle rushes up and punches one with her Tail follow by Whisper shooting all three with one shot and Y/n disappear in front of them and then appear behind them.

They stood there for a moment and then they collapse to the ground. They keep going until they come across two hallways which is where they split off.

Y/n: I'll go lift and you two go right.

Tangle: Okay. Stay safe.....okay? And bring Sal back.

Y/n: I will.

They split off as Y/n rush down the halls of the base. He destroys any Eggman robots that he come across and after what seems like forever he stop at a large door which suddenly open and he step inside.

He look around and then noticed Eggman standing in the middle of the room. He make his way over towards him and once close he try to grab him but his hand goes through him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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