Chapter 45: The day things changed

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Flying over the desert below we see Tails flying his plane while we see Sonic, Knuckles and Y/n on the wings of it as they fly to an Eggman facility just to gather some metal parts and gears for Tails work shop. While flying there we see Y/n struggling to keep his balance on the plane as he shakes a bit, trying to stay on the wing so he will not fall while Knuckles and Sonic have no problems with it.

Soon Tails have the plane down as he make his landing on the ground and soon Tails gently lands on the plane and once they landed they climb out of the plane. Knuckles, Sonic and Y/n leap off from the wings of the plane as Y/n stood up and looks around to see nothing but sand as they get in front of the plane as Tails looks around and tells them.

Tails: Looks like we're not far to on of Eggman's facilities. All we have to do is to get in, grab what ever we need and get out as soon as possible.

Knuckles: I still have no idea why you guys bring Mr along for this mission?

Sonic: (smirk) Oh come on Knuckles you've been sitting on that floating island for a long while. Best you leave that island and go on some adventures with us.

Knuckles: Well good then the Chaotix will mind the master Emerald while I'm away. So what dose this facility look like?

Tails: Well it's like pyramid but rather have a point at the top there is a hole instead.

Y/n: Kinda like that one.

They all turn as Y/n points in the distances and they can see the pyramid up ahead. The same pyramid they have been looking for.

Knuckles: That was easy.

Sonic: (smirk) Alright then let's head in!

Tails: Sonic wait! We don't know what traps are. We need to be careful about this.

Sonic: (smirk) Relax Tails I can just run by them with no problem. Race you guys there!

Before Tails could say anything Sonic dashes off. Thid annoyed Tails a bit while Y/n noticed the annoying look on Tails face. The trio catch up with Sonic at front of the pyramid as there was a large door blocking their way so Y/n uses his lighting powers to turn the console on and Tails Hawks through the system. After a while the doors slowly open in front of them and once the doors open they see nothing but darkness.

Tails hand them flashlights and they make their walk through the facility. They place looks abandoned as they walk through the facility to see nothing but dust and some sand being blown into the facility.

Knuckles: This reminds me that pyramid we enter that was hunted by ghost.

Y/n: How did they turn out?

Knuckles: Let's just say I was nearly possessed by a large ghost with a face that might gave you nightmares for five weeks.

Y/n: Damn. Well should we be looking for the storage room or repair station?

Tails: Maybe but it will take us a while to look for those rooms. Maybe we should split up.

Sonic: Right. Knuckles you go with Y/n while me and Tails be-

Tails: Actually I figured I'll go with Y/n this time. In case I needed Y/n's electricity power to get this facility on and get the lights on.

Sonic: Good idea. Come on Knuckles, your with me.

Knuckles: How exciting.

Sonic and Knuckles go a different path while Tails and Y/n keep on going. Y/n can tell something is wrong with Tails and he thought he always like to be with Sonic so having him say that made him worry. Soon they stumble into a room so Y/n use his electricity powers to have the console turned on while Tails work on it.

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