Chapter 73: Scrapyard island

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Across the ocean we see what it appears to be an island and on the island is an island that used to be the Death Egg but parts of the death egg crash onto the planet and now it is a island as we see Tails plane flying towards the island and soon made a landing.

Once landed Y/n, Rotor and Whisper exit out of Tails plane witn Tails following behind as they look around seeing a wasteland filled with scrap.

Y/n: So this is the junkyard island you all were talking about? I can see why it is called that.

Rotor: (smile) Yep. We discovered this place a while back and it is useful finding some parts we needed.

Y/n: I see. So what parts do we need?

Tails: Here's a list of things we need. Nothing important just some parts I needed to make some projects I have been working on.

Tails each hand his list to them as they look at the list that needed.

Whisper: Looks simple.

Y/n: (smirk) Even though we're on an island filled with junk?

Whisper: (giggle) True but we'll find them.

Rotor: What are we waiting for, let's get to work.

And so they split up and search for the parts they needed. Rotor and Tails go to the south of the island while Y/n and Whisper go to the North. We see Whispers wisps helping the two as they check on the beaten up Eggman robots and search for any parts they needed.

Y/n open the robots chest and looks inside and took out some parts as Y/n looks at the bots and remember about the war and how he fought a lot of Eggman bots.

Whisper gather the parts and turn to noticed Y/n so she walk over to him and place her hand on his shoulder.

Whisper: You okay?

Y/n: Yeah I'm okay. Still remember the war against Eggman and his robot army.

Whisper: Yeah. I remember that.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. I also remember how cute you were when you whisper.

Whisper: (blush) I wasn't that cute.

He and her wisps look at her while Whisper blushes more which Y/n smiled and wrap his arm around her qnd kiss her on the forhead.

Y/n: (smile) No need to feel about your embarrassing past. I too have some embarrassing moments in my past.

Whisper: True.

Then they heard one of Whisper's wisps calling out to them so they follow and once there they were shocked to see a broken and damaged Metal Y/n laying there and not alive.

They approach him and once there they stood over him seeing that he is not online as Y/n kneel down to him.

Whisper: I can't believe he's still attached after all these years.

Y/n: Yeah. Guess the past will never go away.

Suddenly Metal Y/n's eyes glow which they immediately walk back as Metal Y/n gets up and looks around until it noticed the two as at first they think Metal Y/n will attack them but then he said.

Metal Y/n: Hello.

Y/n and Whisper:.......Um....Hi?

Metal Y/n: Are you two robots? You don't look like robots. What are your names?

Y/n:......Um...My name is Y/n and this is Whisper. You are?

Metal Y/n: I........I.......I can't remember who I am. Tell me, who I'm I?

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