Chapter 16: A beach day

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News spread about Mina's mother sudden free from a robotic body and everyone were talking about it, even some who have robotic like appears were shocked as well and have hope to be free. Still how is that possible?

We see Sonic, Y/n, Sally, Mina and Isabella at Rotors place as Rotor dose scans to Isabella and after some scans ans test, he turns to them with surprised and tells them.

Rotor: (surprised) I don't know what to say. Isabella's body is now....normal.

Sally: And you said you just grab her hand and all of sudden her robotic body falls apart?

Y/n: Yeah but I have no idea how that happen.

Mina: (smile) Who cares! You free my mother, thank you so much!

She hugs Y/n and leaves Y/n blush a little while Sally gets a bit jealous while Rotor pulls up a image of Isabella's robotic body and tells them.

Rotor: I have a theory it might be because of Y/n's electric powers. When ever he touched anything that is powered by electricity, it works like malfunction wispon or TV's. I think Y/n must have control over of his electricity powers and when he grabs Isabella's hand, he must have forced his thoughts of freeing Mina's mother from her robotic shall and soon it did.

Sonic: (smirk) Well that's pretty cool. We've been trying to find many ways to bring people back their normal bodies only to have a guy who has that power for it.

Y/n: I guess so.

Rotor: (smile) Sally we might have Y/n's powers to cure everyone who was roboticized by Eggman.

Sally: I'm not to sure. I mean it be good but still....

Y/n: Don't worry Sally. I really wanna help people who were roboticized and this might be our chance.

Sally: Still I want you to be careful while using your powers. Remember, too much might make you pass out.

Y/n: (smile) Don't worry Sally, I'm sure it can't be that many.


Y/n was stunned in shock to see many people who have either their body parts roboticized or their whole body and with him was Tangle who was assigned to help him.

Y/n: (shocked) How many did Eggman Roboticized?!

Tangle: Probably a few hundred or so.....or maybe thousand....but I'm sure it won't be that long.

Y/n: Still thanks for helping me out Tangle.

Tangle: (smile) No problem. Can't let you do all the the on your own. Team sticks together!

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Say Where's Jawels? Would she be here?

Tangle: Oh! There she is now!

They see Jawels flying towards them and soon lands and rush up to them and tells them while having list of roboticized people.

Tangle: (smile) Hey Jawels. So how many people we have today?

Jawels: Well we have 50 people.

Tangle: (smile) That's not so bad.

Jawels: Yes however there is 100 coming here and 50 more on it's way here as well.

Tangle: Oh crap that is long. Hey! Why not zapping all of them. Maybe zapping them might work.

Y/n: I'm afraid I might hut them if I do that. It's maybe best I'll do this nice and slow so I won't hurt anyone.

Tangle: Guess that's true.

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