Chapter 54: Rise of Lyric (Arc 2)

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Y/n, SNT, Sticks Zooey, Cosmo, Orbot, Cubot and Tempest are seen standing in the same room where they girst came in as the door behind them shuts on them and not only that but ancient ball like robot appeared in front of them which shocked them a bit which she noticed this and tells them.

MAIA: I can tell you all are shocked to see me. Well allow me to introduce myself, thane names MAIA and I am the guardian for this facility who stand guard and make sure that Lyric will not break fre-


Y/n: Wow wait Sticks she didn't even attacked us. She was just explaining to us how her mission.

Sticks: So I can't hurt the alien robot?

Y/n: No Sticks.

SNT: We're very sorry to be here but a village was just attacked by robots that we never seen before.

MAIA: Ah yes, your talking about Lyric's army. Well we don't have much time before Lyric will act his plan, come on there isn't much time.

She floats over to a nearby door which suddenly open slowly as Y/n and the rest look at each other and then decided to follow her. They walk through the door and walk down a long hallway that light up as MAIA lead them. As they walk through the halls Y/n ask MAIA.

Y/n: MAIA can you tell us who this Lyric guy is and what is this facility?

MAIA: So uou wonder how all this get here? Well since we are walking through a long hallway I guess I can tell you.

Zooey: (whisper) Bet this is going to be long.

Cosmos: (whisper) Let's listen to her.

MAIA: You see, long ago there was once a planet that is ruled by two race. The peaceful and intellectual race that have powers to grow plants and other forests life named "The Nature species" and the intellectual race that forced on technology and building large cities called "The Ancient builders." The two races lived in peace for millions of years until their planet was destroyed by a evil empire seeking nothing more but destruction throughout the universe. However the survivors made their way to this planet and found a nice island to restart which is this island.

Y/n: So these people were aliens from out of space?

Sticks: I knew it! I knew there was other life in space! Why has no one don't believe me! It's not like I'm crazy or anything.

She then noticed her shadow walking next to her and then she yell at her shadow.

Sticks: Stop following me!

MAIA: As I was saying. Yes, this island was homed to the survivors and they lived normally in their new home. That is until one of the Ancient builders named "Lyric" decided to expand theie race across the world. You see there was a rule from both race and that rule is if there is life on this planet then they are not allow to ruin with their peaceful life. Disbite that Lyric wants to destroy all life on this planet so this planet will be fit enough for the most intelligence race which is them. He had gathered many those who agree him and so a war began on this island. It lasted for years until Lyric was defeated and sealed away within this facility forever. Even know they have won the war, both of their races have now been less and soon they died and left behind what's left of it to those in he future that will discover it.

Tempest: (surprised) Whoa. That's some story. So how did you survive billions of years or longer?

MAIA: I was in sleep mode and that will allow me to save up my power until Lyric will break free.

Y/n: So if Lyric is free what will he try to do?

MAIA: He has made titan like robots that is able to kill all life on this planet and his plan is to find the Ancient builders power source so he can power up his titan army.

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