Chapter 59: A heroes return (Arc 3)

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After Sonic is done running around Angel Island so he can burn off some of the Metal virus, he return back to the camp site and regroup with everyone else ad they try to figure out how to fix this before it will be too late and the whole world will be turned into a planet filled with Zombots.

Y/n: Okay we need a plan to fix this and we need to think fast. Any ideas?

Starline: Let's tackle the issue in manageable portions, perhaps the master emerald could use it's power to burn all the Zombot virus and we can use that to defeat The Conquest.

Tails: No that will be too risky, we can't lower the Conquest here so he can infect everyone here.

Knuckles: And your not touching the Master Emerald.

Y/n: Okay but what we really need is find a way to get into the Conquest ship and get the Seven Chaos Emeralds.

Espio: Maybe you can use chaos control to get to the ship?

Y/n: I would but I worry that Conquest ship have chaos engery detection, it be too risky so we need to find another way to teleport there.

Sonic: It's unfortunate that the only ship we have is the transport ship that we've used to get here.

Amy: We can't risk of one of us get captured and infected. We need something else.

They think of a idea and that's when Y/n looks at the Warp Topaz and then ask Starline.

Y/n: Starline that Warp Topaz you have, is it powered by Chaos engery?

Starline: No it's not, why?

Y/n: Then that's perfect! We can use your Wrap Topaz to teleport onto the ship without detection and after we gotten the Chaos Emeralds you can use the Topaz to teleport us out of the ship.

Eggman: Huh that's not a bad idea.

Starline: Still we don't know where the ship is.

Nicole: I've managed to locate the ship. Its somewhere near a village and it's in the middle pouring out Metal Virus onto the village.

Starline: I see.

Y/n: We don't have much of a choice here Starline.

Starline: (sigh) Agree but it will be wise if I tag along in case things go wrong.

Y/n: Understood. Rouge, Sticks, Whisper, Espio, you four are with us.

Espio: Roger.

Sticks: (smirk) Always want to smash some alien ship.

Rouge: It's not a alien ship?

Sticks: You don't know that.

Sonic: Well be safe guys and be back soon as possible.

Y/n: We will. Come on guys, let's save the world.


Somewhere within the Conquest ship a wrap Topaz is open and Y/n and his team made it through without any problems and once they are through Starline closes the Wrap Topaz and they look around. They find themselves in the middle of the hallway within the ship as they make theie walk through the ships halls while being careful for any guards.

Sticks: This ship is a bit spooky.

Rouge: I don't see any guards anywhere.

Y/n: Has the Conquest ever have anything besides Zombots?

Rouge: Come to think about it no. Apparently he just use his Zombot army to attack us then having his actual army to attack us.

Starline: Perhaps he thinks Zombots are far more use as an army then robots due to them being invisible.

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