Chapter 46: The Freedom civil war (Arc 1)

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Things have suddenly gone down hill. Many riots across the world have been made by the citizens and all were telling Elisa Acorn to step down as king and have theie Freedom back.

This was lead by Amadeus, Tail's father as he lead his rioters to the capital within Knothole in hopes to have Elisa to stand down as king. But the guards came out instead and arrested everyone who is taking part of the riot. Amadeus gives them a good fight but soon he took gets arrested and now things have been crazy and no one has no idea what to do.

We then cut to Tails family home as we see Sonic, Tails, Rosemary and Nicole watching the news about Amadeus arrest when suddenly Y/n burst into the house and sees them there as he approach them and ask them.

Y/n: Did you all seen-

Nicole: Yes we have and it's not good at all.

Tails: I don't understand why my father would do such a thing. Why would he even do this.

Y/n doesn't know as well but he looks at Rosemary and she had a look as if she knew of this so Y/n called out.

Y/n: You knew of this, didn't you?

Rosemary: Yes. I do.

Tails: But why?! Can you not just talk father out of it or do anything?!

Rosemary: We thought the time was right, Tails. We're safe from Eggman so now would be the best time for change.

Y/n: But Rosemary you can't be-

Sonic: Yeah, but you don't get that with a angry mob. Seriously, i thought this guy was a tactician.

Y/n: Sonic!

Tails can't believe what Sonic just said and started to cry while Y/n see he is upset and tell the two.

Y/n: How about you two go outside and get some fresh air.

Rosemary: Good idea.

They went outside and once the door closes Sonic sees both Nicole and Y/n were looking at him in disappointment.

Sonic: What?

Y/n: Sonic you do realise that "guy" is Tails own father. Aren't you a little bit worry about Tails father or his own family?

Sonic: Look I am worry but that was a dumb move. Tails risk his own life time after time of saving the Freedom and us and now his father pulls this stunt?

Y/n: Look I know your disappointed at Tails father for doing this but there has to be a reason for this. We need ti head down to the prison right away and ask him about it.

Sonic: Look you do whatever you want to do, I'm gonna ho and see I can help out with he king.

Y/n: Sonic wai-

But then he dashes off out of the house before Y/n could even tell him anything. He slowly forms a fist of frustration as sparks of electricity appear out of his hand when Nicole walk up next to him.

Nicole: You okay? I know things doesn't seem to be going but we'll find a way.

Y/n: Yeah I know. Still I need to head to the prison to talk to Amadeus. Tell the prison guards I'll be coming to visit Amadeus.

Nicole: Alright. Good luck.

Once that Y/n leaves the house while Nicole turns to the TV to see the news about the riots still going on as she lend out a sigh and disappeared to maintain Knothole as best she can.


Y/n arrived at the prison as the guards let him in into the cell. He walk pass many cells that contain prisoners as they call out to Y/n, trying to mess with him but he ignored them and soon reaches to Amadeus where he sees him laying at his bed until he looks over to see Y/n.

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