Chapter 7: The Battle of Sunsets city (Arc 2)

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Smoke fills the air of sunset city and the streets were empty except for a few Eggman bots walking about and looking for any more Mobian's to capture or destroyed.

We then cut to a collage campus where we see Sonic spin dashes at a few bots while his troops behind him fires at the Eggman bots while Sonic holds them back.

Sonic spine dashes a few bots and lands onto the ground but blast shots went by Sonic from above and he looks up to see buzz bombers diving down at him.

Sonic: (smirk) Is this the best you got Egghead?

Then he leaps up and take out the buzz bombers with a spine dash and that was it. He lands back down onto the ground and he stood up and see the Eggman bots are falling back which Sonic smirks.

He then dashes back to the collage campus and once there everyone cheered and clapped for Sonic with Sonic bowing down and waving at everyone.

After that he enter to the collage main halls where a computer is set up and Sonic press a button and a three boxes appear with Shadow, Tails and Sally appear in each of the boxes and Sally asked.

Sally: (computer) Report on the situation Sonic?

Sonic: (smirk) We managed to hold out the bots out of the collage campus. What about you two?

Tails: (Computer) Same thing happened to me but they managed to capture the main halls just a while before I soaked them and electrocute them using the fire sprinklers to wet them.

Sonic: (smirk) Nice and you Shad?

Shadow: (computer) We capture the museum and we were ordered by Sally to scout on something huge within the city. When we did we fall back but....Y/n.....He stay behind and hold it off.

Sally: (computer) Oh no!

Sonic: Have you sent a scout team to find him?

Shadow: (computer) I did but when we arrive at the location where Y/n was at. He was gone.

Tails: (computer) Do you think he might be taken as prisoner?

Sally: (computer) I hate to imagine that. We can't leave anyone behind, Tails hack into eggmans coms and try to find him.

Tails: (computer) Understood.

Sally: (computer) Sonic, Shadow, yous remein your bases but if Tails or Nicole gotten anything about the where abouts of Y/n, sent out a team to find him and get him back.

Shadow: (computer) Understood.

Sonic: Team Chaotix should be at the city right  now. Maybe they will find him.

Sally: (computer) Alright. Be careful and good luck you guys.

Then they cut out and Sonic hops Y/n will be alright and he will find him....where ever he might be.


Voice is heard through Y/n's ears along with tapping on something near him. He slowly open his eyes and groaned while he grab his head as he stood up what it appear to be a medical bed.

Y/n: Ow that's a lot more then anything else.

Ava: He's awake!

Shirumi: Oh thank goodness.

Y/n looks over to see two female mobian's rushes over to him and Y/n asked.

Y/n: Where I'm I?

Shirumi: Your at the sewers underneath Sunset City.

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