Chapter 89: Fall of the Freedom fighters (Arc 4)

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When Y/n arrive back to New Metropolis he sees smoke in the air and hears explosions in the distances, civilians run from their lives as Y/n rushes through them. Disbite Eggman return he thinks it will be just like always. Then suddenly a gaint robot burst through the building and turn apon the civilians and fire missiles at them.

Y/n: Oh no you don't!

He created a lighting shield to block the missiles and then zaps the gaint robot which it's head blowns up and fell to the ground.

Then more Eggmans bots came down from the roof, sewers and alleyways as they race towards Y/n and the civilians. Y/n rush at them and begins to fight them. He blasted them away with his lighting and zapping them away.

Eggmans bots try to fire at him but he dodges and slammed his hand that created a electricity wave that zaps the bots and shut them off. A huge bot lands behind him and he turn to see it about to slam its hammer at him but he quickly move out of the way and leaps up high in the air.

He then disappeared and reappear behind it as he land on his feet and the robot falls to the ground as Y/n turn to the destroyed robot and turn to the civilians that are still evacuating.

Amy: Y/n!

Then Amy, Tangle and Whisper rush over just as more shows up and so they begin to fight them off while Y/n ask them.

Y/n: What happen while I was away?

Tangle: We don't know! It was just a peace day when all of sudden Sally appear on the TV saying something nonsense and then Eggmans robots suddenly appear.

Y/n: Any idea how they got in?

Whisper: No clue.

Amy: Right now the Freedom fighters are fighting off his army. We need to evacuate everyone as soon as possible.

Y/n: Bet Sonic is having some fun now Eggman is back.

Amy: (smirk) I wouldn't be surprised if he isn't.

Orbot: Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!

Then Orbot and Cubot suddenly rushes over to them in a panic and once they clear the bots they turn to Orbot and Cubot.

Y/n: What are you two doing here? This isn't save.

Orbot: You have to get to G.U.N HQ right now!

Tangle: Why? That place is impossible to get through.

Orbot: But they did! They're planning to assassinate the G.U.N Council.

Y/n: How do you know that?

Orbot: Since we were created by Eggman we still gain access to the Eggnet and we heard their coms.

Cubot: This city will be in ruins without your leaders.

Y/n: Then we need to get there. Come on let's go!

They agree and they race through the city so they can get to G.U.N HQ before it is too late.


Once there they see G.U.N soldiers holding off Eggmans bots with Rouge, Omega and Shadow at the front lines. Maria is there as she drag some injured soldiers to cover and patching them up.

Y/n, Amy, Tangle and Whisper join in as they hold off the Eggman robots as best they. The Eggman robots just keep coming and they keep fighting them.

Shadow: Y/n!

Y/n: Right!

Shadow firws Chaos spears into the air and then Y/n summons thunder clouds into the sky as the Chaos spears go through the clouds. Then it came raining down with lighting like Chaos spears and once on impact it creates huge explosions that turn them into scrap.

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