Chapter 55: Rise of Lyric (Arc 3)

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SNT, Orbot and Sticks are at the room where they will get the power on and have the teleporters online so they can move around the facility quicker and more safer. Sticks managed to open a panel for Orbot to reach in and tries to get the power back online by connecting the cut wires to their correct colours.

While that's going on, SNT is looking around the room and seeing how old this place was and how it's fallen apart. She then walk up to a table to see very old blueprints which she picks up and stare at them and seeing so much machinery these ancient race used to be built before all of them where gone.

SNT: Look at all of these blueprints. I can't even imagine what they will do if any of these were to be built or fallen into the wrong hands.

Orbot: If Eggman were here right now, he'll might as well steal these blueprints and immediately start building them like an existing kid.

SNT: Guess so.

Sticks: So any luck so far red ball?

Orbot: Not yet. It's strange, although this facility has been around for years, I can still detected power coming through these wires. This crystal must be everlasting power.

SNT: Must be. Say if we do get the power back online, wouldn't that turn on Lyric's huge mech like army? Why dose Lyric wants the crystal itself then just getting the power back online?

Orbot: I believe his large robot army is probably somewhere else. This island has a lot of secrets that we are unknown to us but Lyric's army must be somewhere else rather then here.

SNT: That is a possibility. After all this feels like a factory then a place to store in a huge robot army.

Orbot: It's important that we need to stop Lyric and his plan before the whole planet is doomed.

Sticks: Huh it's strange you said that even though you were created by Eggman.

Orbot: True me and Cubot were made by Eggman but after we made here to this island and get along with the village people, we realised that we can choose our own paths in life without Eggman. Even by means making things right.

SNT: (smile) I'm glad you and Cubot are on our side.

Orbot: No problem. Guess you can say just because we're made by Eggman, doesn't mean we can choose our own paths. And done!

Soon the lights immediately turn on and a teleporter near them open as they stare at the teleporter and they decided to test it as they step through the teleporter and sees what is at the other side.


The power gose online in the control room as the lights flash on as Cosmo, Zooey and MAIA as they look up and see that the lights are turned on.

Zooey: (smirk) Looks like SNT, Sticks and Orbot did their jobs.

Cosmo: (smile) Seems like it. Hey where's Cubot?

MAIA: I think he heard something so he's going to see what it was. He has been gone for a while.

Zooey: I'll go and find him.

Zooey heads off to find Cubot and now it was just Cosmo and MAIA as she stare at Cosmo for a bit while Cosmo felt her stares as Cosmo sighs and ask MAIA.

Cosmo: Are you okay? Your staring at me a lot.

MAIA: My apologies but it's just.....I've never known one of the nature race would survive.

Cosmo: Yeah.....I have a thought that is the case. But it doesn't make sense. How is it possible for me to survive such a large war that wiped out both races?

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