Chapter 38: Back from the dead

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At the Knothole graveyard we see a few Mobians at the graveyard to pay respect to their love once or family members who either passed away or died during the war against Eggman and his army. Among those we see Maximilian and Alicia are looking at the many graveyards from falling soldiers who fought in their battles against Eggman's forces as the two look at the grave stones while we see Y/n approaches them and once he walked up to them Maximilian spoke to Y/n by telling him.

Maximilian: Ah Y/n, glad that you have came.

Y/n: Of course sir. Is there anything you want me to do?

Maximilian: Not at all Y/n. I've called you here just for a chat.

Y/n: Oh alright sir.

He turn to the many grave stones and looks at them and then ask Maximilian.

Y/n: How many do you think they have died?

Maximilian: A lot but their deaths will never be forgotten. They have did their part of bringing peace to this world and now they rest easy know the war is over.

Y/n: It's sad. Some may have families but Eggman took them away from them.

Maximilian: Indeed but that mad man will no longer going to bother us anymore.

He agrees as the trio walk around the graveyard about to make their leave as Y/n look at all the gravestones and recognised all who have fallen. But then on enough his eyes which he stopped and stare at the gravestone while Y/n asked Maximilian which both he and his wife stop and turn to him.

Y/n: Hey who's Fiona?

They walk up to him and see the gravestone that he was talking about. Unlike many gravestone that have flowers around them, Fiona's doesn't have one to which Maximilian tells him.

Maximilian: If I remember correctly before you came Fiona was the best inflator and best know of sneaking her way inside and getting out without any problems. Fiona was close friends with my daughter and they see each other as sisters. They were soo happy when they were kids.

Y/n: What happened to her?

Maximilian: According to Sally, she and the rest sneak themselves inside a prison camp, trying to save some prisoners but then they were caught and most of them gotten out....some were captured and one of them was Fiona. Sally and Sonic try to go back for her but the bots were too many so they have no choice but to leave her. Of course they did return back.....they haven't found her. They believe she was killed which saddens Sally and the rest. She was like family to them until you came and join them.

Y/n: I see. Wished I could have met her if she was alive.

Maximilian: Agree. It be nice to meet Fiona after for soo long. Anyways, we should be leaving. Time for me to get some rest right honey?

Alicia: (smile) You always need some rest sweetie.

Maximilian: (smile) Indeed. Take care Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) You too sir.

And so the two left while Y/n look at Fiona's grave and decided to stop by Elina's flowers shop and get some for her. He make his leave while at the background we see a cloaked figure who watched Y/n leave the graveyard and once he is gone, the cloak figure slowly followers him.


We see Amy, Sally, Tangle and Whisper arruve at Rouge's home which look pretty nice as they see she lives in a mansion as they walk through the gate while Tangle says in a amazing tone.

Tangle: (surprised) Wow Rouge's place is amazing! She lives like a rich person!

Sally: (smile) Well she is a treasure hunter after all.

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