Chapter 88: Fall of the Freedom Fighters (Arc 3)

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We see Antonie, Bonnie and Belle at the hospital and we see Antonie sat on bed with a cast on his legs and his left arm. Bonnie and Belle sat next to him as Bonnie and Antonie hold hands.

Then they hear a door knock and Y/n came in along with Rogue as they approach them.

Y/n: Hey Antonie. How are you feeling?

Antonie: Doing okay. However I may not walk for a few months.

Bonnie: Your lucky that Y/n saved you when he can.

Antonie: Yes. You saved my life Y/n. I owe you my life.

Y/n: (smile) No problem.

Bonnie: So any idea what just happened at Green Hill? Cause the reporters won't leave us alone.

Rogue: Not sure. Those G.U.N soldiers were not assigned to investigate Green Hill. Its odd. Why would they be there and then suddenly attack Y/n and the rest?

Antonie: I have a feeling someone is trying to ruin our reputation.

Bonnie: But who? Eggman?

Rogue: It's possible. It's odd that we haven't heard of him for sometime now. Perhaps he is making his moves.

Y/n: And his first moves is kidnapping Sally and have the people turn against us.

Bonnie: Looks like we gonna find this fool and make him pay.

Y/n: We can do that while you support your family Bonnie.

Bonnie: You sure?

Y/n: For sure.

Bonnie: Okay.....and Y/n? Thanks again.

He nodes with a smile and the two leave the room and walk down the hallway as Rogue tells him.

Rogue: I think there is a bigger plot going on here.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Rogue: This may sound crazy but I think there is someone within G.U.N trying destroy not only the freedom fighters but the trust of the people.

Y/n: Agree. Might be Hamlin?

Rogue: It's possible. But we need to gather some proof.

The two walk by a window and they turn to see a crowd of people gathered and protesting of shutting down the Freedom fighters as they hand over petitions for people to sign to shut down the Freedom fighters while Rogue says.

Rogue: I can't believe after what you and the Freedom fighters have done throughout the years, they seem to want to shut it down? Do they not realised without the Freedom fighters Eggman would have take complete control over the planet?

Y/n: True. I think its because since there is a functional government now and an army, they think what is the point of the Freedom fighters if they have a military now.

Rogue: What about the black arm invasion. It was us who saved the world.

Y/n: I think that's the reason why not all citizens hate us. Some believe the Freedom fighters are needed in case a new threat would come and destroys the government.

Rogue: At least there are some who are not idiots.

Y/n: Yeah. I gonna go but update me if you have anything.

Rogue: (smirk) You know it. See you around.

She blow kiss him and then she walked away while Y/n turn and heads back to base.


At the Freedom fighters base we see a massive crowd of people protesting and wanted the Freedom fighters to shut down. The Chaotix stood outside protecting the base when Y/n came up to them.

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