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"Can I have a kiss Sarge?"

"Ask tomorrow".

Always the same reply. Months passed and the howling commandos meet up with regiments, then left to go on solo missions then met up with different regiments for supplies and orders. They travelled to multiple different allies camps across Europe. From French to English to American again. In the four months they had been on this mission, Basil had lost count of how many camps they had joined then separated from. But he knew how many hydra bases they had destroyed. The number was five. Five hydra bases had been taken down across Europe. Some just by the squad themselves, some with the force of a whole troop behind them. No matter, each battle they had entered they had come out on top.

The squad had grown. They had formed an almost brotherhood between them, the sort of brotherhood that you gained when frequently trusting each other with their lives. They had gotten to know each other too. Basil learnt that Dum Dum had a wife at home in America, no children but he doted on his nieces and nephews. Happy Sam was the second youngest in a large family, with two older brothers a one older sister, and one younger sister. Apparently his family owned a diner. Pinky was from a middle class southern British family near Brighton. He had been apart of one of the English airborne divisions known as 'the Red Devils' before he was captured then joined this team. Monty was from Birmingham and was part of a parachute brigade. He was from a upper middle class family and had attended boarding school like Basil in his youth. (They both enjoyed comparing their experiences of the schools).

Gabe Jones was from Georgia and had studied both French and German at university before joining the army. He wanted to be a civil rights activist and would get into long conversations about history with Frenchy in French. Jim was a Japanese- American soldier who was from California. He had joined the army to escape the prospect of being sent with the rest of his family to the Japanese detainment camps. While lastly Frenchy had been a member of the French resistance before joining the army after being rescued from hydra. He didn't know much English but Gabe was always willing to translate. He had a sharp witty sense of humour.

Basil also learnt that Steve was an only child who had grown up with long list of health problems, which Basil eagerly quizzed him about and the treatments he had gone through as a child. If it was want other person then they might have grown tired or annoyed by his questioned but Steve always answered as best he could. He found it interesting in turn when Basil explained to him the latest medical theories on the subjects. (Well, the latest to him. It took several weeks for them to get post out and back). They would get into long discussions about medical science, then moving on to art. Steve occasionally showing them a few of the drawings in his sketchbook. Basil was delighted to see himself caught in lead on the page. Steve was an skilful artist.

He learnt about Bucky too. (And if he wasn't already smitten for the man before, he would be by now. Basil was pretty sure he was falling, being pulled under and that had never happened before. To make things worse he hadn't even kissed the man yet!!). He had three younger sisters. Becca was the oldest at eighteen, with the twins, Winnie and Maggie at twelve. His father had served in the 107th in ww1 before retiring. Bucky once mentioned that his dad now worked at a car shop while his mother worked at a laundry mat. The way he spoke about his family, which wasn't often, it was always clear to see how much he cared for them. The subject of family always brought up a memory with Steve. Basil had known that the two of them were old friends but apparently they had been buddies since the age of four. (He couldn't ever recall something as constant as that).

Other things he learnt about Bucky could fill the pages of a book. (It did. If he scrawled them in his notebook alongside his medical notes then it was for him to know and for no one else to find out). The way he slept still, not moving until morning. That he looked after his sniper rifle as if it was an extension of his arm. Often he would be with Happy Sam and Jim customising their weapons with any gear they could pick up. His hands skilled with mechanics in the same way that Basil wielded medical tools. He like to keep his uniform folded in his bag, had a shaving set with a small mirror because he didn't like the way the scruff aged him, and was a gentleman whenever with women, charming but respectful to a fault. It all made Basil want to swoon like those women form the movies.

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