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Basil seemed to settle with minimal amount of difficulty. There were about ten other British soldiers, so he was not the odd one out. The Americans respected his role as a medic and didn't want to piss him off. You pissed off your army medic, then you could count your chances when injured on the battle field. Basil made sure that everyone knew it.

By the time he had taken down one of largest men in hand to hand combat training, they seemed to have gotten the picture. Jameson groaned from his position on the dirt. Basil stepped back and admired his work. The huge man was sprawled painfully on the ground, glaring up at Basil with a face red from exertion. A chuckle and slow clapping of hands made Basil look up.

"Good job Parrish". Bucky commented as he walked forwards. He nudged Jameson with his boot. "You sleeping there Jameson?"

"No sir", Jameson moaned as he got to his feet. Bucky laughed and clapped him on the shoulder. "Go and get yourself cleaned up man". Jameson nodded and scrambled away hurriedly. Basil watched him go before turning his eyes to Bucky. The blue eyed Sargent was a few inches taller than him. Stereotypically tall dark and handsome. Basil bit his lip and tried to maintain a straight face.

"So". Bucky began with a amused smile. "What did he do?"

"He decided to test the limits of his vocabulary by describing me. I gave points for creativity".

Bucky eyed the shapes on the dusty ground. Boot prints and the occasional handprint. He whistled lowly. "I'd say that his vocabulary was not the sweet kind".

"Pretty vulgar". Basil frowned. "Well, I'd assume. I don't really know all your American slang. Jameson didn't like my accent. Implied that I was nothing more than a mixed brat trying to rise above my station".

"That was why I did not step in corporal. I trust you to sort out your own battles. But feel free to come to me if it gets too much".

Basil nodded with a polite smile. He appreciated the offer but he could take care of himself. Years of boarding school made sure of that. "Well, aren't you swell. I shall keep that in mind". He saluted teasingly before turning and marching back to the tent. Ignoring the fact that he had not been dismissed.

He stepped through the open flap with a sigh, not bothering to see if Barnes was following. The Sargent was a good man, he doubted that formality was a stickler for him. Basil sidestepped various men in states of undress and made his way to his own bunk. Luckily the tent was only half full, some of the men still hanging around outside. He easily stripped off his shirt tossed it on the folded blanket. It left him in the green vest that was mildly better in the heat. English summer was not particularly sunny, but it was muggy and humid.

The springs squeaked as Basil sat down on the thin mattress. He could feel some one staring. Eyeballs practically boring holes into his back. He turned and spotted a tall, lanky blonde boy hurriedly turning away. Basil smirked at the red tint to the blonde's cheeks. Was his name Palmer? Or was it Baller?

The boy smirked when Basil stood up and walked over. "What are you looking at soldier?" Basil asked firmly but quietly. He stepped up so that they were toe to toe.

"Palmer. Harry Palmer", the blonde responded. He subtly looked Basil up and down. Basil bit back a smirk, he knew that look.

"What are you looking at Palmer?"

"Nothing Corp. I have a cut that might want a look at". Palmer held out his hand. A gash was on the inside of his arm. It was nothing major. Not infected, just slightly red.

Basil gave a long sigh, playing along. "Want to take this to the medical tent?"

A few men nearby jeered. "You annoyed the corporal Palmer?"

"Good job Palmer".

"Going to get your BooBoo seen to?"

"Take him down a few Corporal".

Basil's smirk grew bigger as Palmer ducked his head. "Shall we take this outside Palmer?"

Palmer looked up briefly so that Basil could see the glint in his eyes. "Sure corporal". Basil turned and walked out of the tent, Palmer following. He turned round the tent and crossed the camp. No-one spared them much thought. Basil looked just like he was heading off to the medical tent.

When the medical tent came into sight, Basil veered left. The was a gap between a group of tents was hidden from direct sight. Basil had found it on his first day. He ducked through the gap and rounded to the back of the tent. Palmer followed quickly after him.

"So", Basil said lowly once they were out of sight. "What were you looking at Palmer?"

Palmer grinned and licked his lips. "I heard the rumours about you Parrish. Were they wrong?"

"And if I said no?"

"Good". Palmer reaches forwards and grabbed Basil by the shoulders. He pulled him closer and their lips met with a hungry edge.

Basil moaned. God it had been so long. Finding a hookup to ease the stress was a dangerous game here. A fun and thrilling but also dangerous game that he had played enough times by now to know the signs. The army was a straight boys club and Basil was as gay as hell, but he was a good doctor and the army needed good medics. He kissed back with equal fierceness, groaning as Palmer bit his lip. Their tongues clashed as Basil grunted. Palmer's hands tugging at his vest and pulling it over his head.

A cough made them jump apart. Bucky Barnes was blocking the gap between the tents, face firm and brows furrowed. Palmer hurriedly jumped back into a salute with a shocked squeak. Basil's vest dropping to the floor between them. "Sarge sir! That was not what you thought it was".

"Sargent Barnes", Basil sighed. He plucked the vest from the floor and tucked the dirty material into his belt, crossing his arms as he glared.

"What was it then Palmer?" Barnes asked sternly.

"Oh um, nothing sir", Palmer stuttered, cheeks flushing. Basil watched amusedly as he floundered like a fish.

Barnes sighed, obviously taking pity on the poor man. "Just go Palmer. Try and find a better hiding place next time. I maybe accepting but a lot of men aren't. Run along now". Palmer nodded and scuttled round him and through the gap.

Bucky turned his gaze to Basil, assessing. Basil raised an eyebrow at him. "So this is why you were assigned to us", Bucky stated calmly.

"What? Going to write me up Sarge? Call me names?"

"No". Basil blinked in surprise. "Just don't let anyone catch you next time. As I said. Others aren't so accepting".

Basil shrugged. "It was enjoyable. Palmer can certainly kiss. I'd say a bit too much tongue though".

Bucky's eyebrows raised, face slackening in surprise before frowning. "Are you trying to get a rise out of me Parrish?"

"If I say yes?"

Bucky pressed a hand to his forehead and sighed deeply. "I've had worse. Let's just hope you're as good a medic as they say. Go on now Parrish".

"Sir yes sir". Basil saluted smartly and began jogging back to the tent, a wide pleased grin on his face.

Basil is a little shit.

Also, I noticed a lot of American readers getting confused over which way to pronounce Basil's name. Basil is English so his name is pronounced the British way. Bah-zil. Not Bay-zil. All the characters refer to him with the British pronunciation since that is the way he introduces himself. 

That should make more sense. 

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