Twenty two

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"Can I have a kiss Sarge?" This time it was said playfully. A joke about the topic of conversation. The squad laughed as Basil batted his eyelashes over dramatically and pursed his lips. They had been talking about their dating lives back home. It had started with Happy Sam waxing about his childhood crush and had ended up a rather filthy conversation. At some point Steve mentioned that Bucky had been quite a sought after gentleman, always out dancing. Bucky had flushed slightly as Basil's grin had widened into his familiar mischievous look. It was the look that the guys had all come to read as 'Basil's shit eating smile'. He opened this mouth and said, "oooo Sarge liked pretty girls huh? Did you kiss a lot of pretty girls Sarge? Am I pretty Sarge? Can I have a kiss Sarge?"

Bucky let out a snort and placed his palm over Basil's face to shove him gently away. "Nice try Parrish", he shot back as the other men laughed and teased. Maybe in another squad they would have been beaten up for merely joking about being gay, but the howling commandos didn't bat an eye. It was simply part of Basil's antics. He said enough silly things and was unpredictable enough that none of them batted an eye. All of them passing it off as another joke. Only Bucky knew that Basil was serious. Though Steve gave them both amused looks that was a tad too fond and knowing to be so easily distracted. (Basil guessed that Steve knew about Bucky and him but the man had yet to say anything yet).

"Better luck next time Parrish", Gabe called from where he was walking behind them.

""Nice try Baz", Monty chuckled. Basil turned around and began walking backwards so that he could see the whole squad. He was near the front with Steve and Bucky. The rest of the men were in leisurely rows behind them. Dum dum and Frenchie bringing up the rear. He pouted at them.

"I guess that Sarge doesn't find me pretty".

"With that mug, no chance", Jim shook his head with a snort.

Basil mock gasped in offence and almost tripped over a rock. The heavy weight of his pack, plus the medical equipment almost sent him flying. Bucky, who was nearest, grabbed him buy the collar and hauled him up so that he regain his footing. Basil immediately blushed and laughed. (Bucky did that with one hand. Basil was trying not to swoon). "Thanks Sarge".

"Watch where you're going", Bucky tapped his knuckle on the tin of his helmet. It made a little ding noise and Bucky smiled fondly. Basil was pretty sure his face was on fire. Thank god for the usual covering of grime and dirt.

"Don't want you getting shot at Parrish", Steve called. "We're only a few hours from the base".

Basil nodded and continued walking, facing forwards this time. He wasn't going to stay silent thought. "I've still got a better mug than you Jim", he called back. There was a few scattered laughs.

"You look like a poodle puppy", Gabe called.

Sam burst out laughing. "I have to admit it Parrish, but that's correct".

Basil gave them a affronted look over his shoulder. "It's the curly hair isn't it? My cherubic curls".

Bucky chuckled. "You have never been Cherubic a goddamn day of your life".


"It's the curls", Dum Dum nodded. "And the fact that you're a kid".

"I'm not a kid. I'm twenty".

"Still a kid", Steve stated.

Basil pointed at him. "Cap, you too? Traitor". He dropped his shoulders and pretended to sulk. "I'm nobody's baby, I wonder why", he sung mournfully. There was a round of sniggers. "Each night and day I pray to the lord up above, please send me down somebody to love. But nobody wants me, I'm blue somehow". He let out a large dramatic sigh and the squad all chuckled. Basil let a small grin tug at his lips and he threw his arms out in true musical fashion. "Won't someone hear my plea and take a chance on me? Cause I'm nobody's baby now". His voice rose at the end of the verse then cut off. The men gave amused cheers and Basil turned and bowed.

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