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It took another day after he had woken up for Basil to be deemed healthy, if a bit malnourished and under weight. He was given back his uniform and allowed to leave the hospital. Someone had washed it for him. The material was a lot more cleaner than it had been when Basil had last worn it, (thank god. He might have thrown up if it still smelt like that lab). He was also given back all his personal items. His dog tags and his novel, the sight of which gave him a lot of relief. Once he was presentable again he was shown to the doors by a helpful nurse. Bucky met him at the hospital entrance. The blue eyed man smiling as the doors closed. Whole face bright in the rare London sun. He strode forwards and swung an arm round Basil's shoulders as they stepped onto the busy London streets.

"My old university is across the Thames from here", Basil commented as the two men walked through London. His cheeks tugging upwards subconsciously. Bucky seemed to know where he was going, despite the interested looks he kept shooting their surroundings. Basil guessed that the Brooklyn boy had never been to London before.

Bucky hummed in response to Basil's statement, too busy watching a red bus drive past. His body was warm at his side. "Sarge", Basil poked him in the shoulder. "Where are we going?"

"Steve's got the brass to give us lodgings for a week". Bucky seemed particularly pleased. "Us and the other lads joining our team".

"How many are there?" Basil jerked harshly into Bucky's side as a large man shoved past. Never mind that they were both wearing their uniform, which the others on the street were respecting. Basil brushed off his shoulder with a frown. Eyes narrowing at the man's retreating figure. Basil huffed, rolling his eyes at the London attitude.

"Five". Bucky tipped his head at a young blonde woman who giggled as she past.

"And we have got until the end of the week?" Five days off was far more exciting than it probably should have been. Basil had missed England.

"We are going to be shipped out on Sunday", Bucky replied. "I suspect that Steve will tell us where nearer the time. Poor guy's a captain so he's stuck in meetings all week. Wouldn't want to be in his shoes". He laughed in amusement.

"He's blonde, polite and handsome. The women running command are going to devour him", Basil snorted. The pair laughed for a moment a Steve's expense.

"If we have the rest of the week then why don't I show you around London?" Basil offered as they crossed the Thames. The sun was out for once, turning the muddy waters a shiny grey. "Show you history and class that you Americans can never hope to achieve", he joked, stepping back and spreading his arms out widely. His grin wide and eyes twinkling.

"Shut your mouth kid", Bucky growled playfully. He jerked a finger at Basil's face. "We Americans have plenty of class". Basil snorted loudly at that, laughter bubbling up and Bucky's grin broke through. "Alright", he conceded, far too amused to be offended. "It's a different type of class. And we have plenty of time for more history".

"True true", Basil smiled. "But let me show you the sights anyway". He turned his gaze over the water to the buildings. Some of which were noticeably cracked and shaken. "Before they're all bombed", he muttered under his breath. Anger at the destruction of this beautiful city making his excitement slip and his smile falter.

Bucky gave his shoulder a gentle shove and the two of them began walking again. Shoulders brushing against each other comfortably. "Better show me quick then".

"Alright. What street is the lodging house on? I'll see what's on the way". The pair continued walking. Dark green uniforms standing out amongst the crowd. The grey water of the Thames glittering below as they crossed the bridge


"I've heard of that, you call it Big Ben right?" Bucky asked as he gestured up to the tower. The regal buildings standing proud against the backdrop of the Thames and the London skyline.

"Technically those are the Houses of Parliament", Basil corrected. "Big Ben is just the name of the bell that rests in the tower". As if on que it struck loudly. Bucky and Basil both reflexively flinched and ducked. Hands coming up to clutch at their heads as they took cover. Several passerby's stopped to give them confused looks. The bell rung five times. Neither Basil or Bucky relaxing or moving until the noise stopped.

"It's louder than I remembered", Basil said slightly shakily. The banging had been too loud. He gave Bucky a weak smile. "Let's keep going".

"Let's", Bucky agreed. They shared identical grimaces. The two men taking off in a brisk walk away from the tower.


"It's a lot of red", Bucky commented.

Basil blinked and hummed questioningly. Bucky gestured to the road as a bus trundled past. Both of them raising their heads to look across the rubble and crowds of Trafalgar Square. "The buses, the signs. Red".

"Oh", Basil frowned at the bus in thought. "I don't know why they're red. They match the post boxes though. Maybe because they're a national service? No clue. Never given it through before".

"I prefer the buses in New York", Bucky commented. Basil shrugged.

"Suit yourself. Boring buses it is".

"Oi", Bucky grinned. On the horizon, the sun was starting to dip and the sky was darkening. The golden light added bronze to his black hair and deepened the blue of his eyes. Basil paused for a moment to take in the other man. "Don't talk down on New York Kid".

The name jolted Basil and he scowled. "I'm not a kid. I'm twenty! That's only three years younger than you".

"Two years younger than Steve", Bucky added, as if it was a thought he had not meant to say out loud. He brushed it off and rubbed his knuckles into Basil's curls. "Face it Basil. You're a kid. You can't even drink in the US".

"Well I am mighty glad that I'm english", Basil sniped back. He turned his head to the sky. "Weren't we suppose to meet the cap somewhere?"

"Shit!" Bucky fumbled in his pockets for a watch. He pulled it out and checked the time. "We must be going, or we'll be late". He took a step and paused. He looked around and Basil snorted.

"Come on Sarge", he grinned, taking his wrist and pulling the man along. "What was the pub name again?"  Bucky chuckled and offered up the name. Basil rolled his eyes and headed off in the right direction. He ignored the warmth next to him as Bucky followed. It would not do any good. He knew how things could go, he didn't want to ruin this. So he pushed back the thoughts in his mind and began a story about his days in university that had Bucky laughing loudly. So loudly that several people passing by gave them confused looks. Basil relaxed.


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