Twenty seven

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When they met up with the other American squads, Steve immediately got called away to the general's tent. He nodded, despite how tired he was and followed the corporal away. His muddy back disappearing into the crowd of soldiers. The rest of the howling commandos were led towards the mess tent for food. Basil and Bucky glancing after Steve as he went. "Good old cap off to see the higher ups", Dum Dum commented. "They love him".

"It's the blond good boy from Brooklyn charms", Basil joked. He had a bad feeling about this meeting . It was a prickling in his stomach. The men laughed.

"Do I have that?" Bucky asked.

"Only blondies have it Barnes", Gabe slapped him on the shoulder. "Let's go and get some food. I'm starved for something other than canned food".

"Spam spam spam", Basil began singing.

Gabe covered his ears. "No! Get that blasted thing away from me". Basil cackled and began chasing him towards the mess tent. The prospect of new supplies giving them energy. Gabe yelped and sprinted away, Basil hot on his ears. Sam let out a whoop and joined in.





"Make it stop!" Gabe cried as he collapsed in the grass. Basil giggled as he leaned over the older man.

"I am ashamed to say that I actually miss our school dinners", Pinky groaned as he strolled over. "Even the unidentifiable meat. At lest it wasn't grey". He held out a hand and hauled Gabe to his feet.

"My mum's curries", Basil sighed wistfully. "Rice, potato, carbohydrates. My one true love, o how I miss thee". The men all groaned at the words.

"My wife would make this light and fluffy bread she would bake in our oven", Dum Dum sighed. "I miss it almost as much as I miss her". The unmarried men, including Basil, all jeered are the show of affection. "You're just jealous I have a beautiful woman waiting for me". Dum dum grinned at them.

"The only women I have waiting for me are my sisters", Sam said.

Bucky laughed. "Same". They slapped their hands together with large grins.

"Seriously Bucky?" Monty remarked. "A young charmer like you, I thought would have a whole group of girls waiting for him".

"Na". Bucky shrugged, "I'm great for a night out dancing but I wasn't exactly settling down material. The girls all wanted dependable types". He made a hand movement at the word 'dependable' and snorted in amusement.

"What about you Basil?" Jim voiced. "Got yourself any gals?"

"Nope", Basil laughed. Behind him, Bucky hid a smirk. "My brother has most likely corrupted them all by now, either that or my mother scared them off. She's vicious".

"If she raised you then I don't doubt it", Monty remarked with a raised eyebrow. He holstered his gun on his shoulder and gave Basil a pointed look. "You do have a certain reputation Basil".

Basil cackled and Same pointed. "That. That is it. You laugh like a psycho man. It's creepy". Basil laughed harder.

"Stop scaring him Parrish", Bucky grinned as he swung a arm over Basil's shoulders and pulled him close as his hand ruffled his curls. "These little daisies are scared of a five foot seven kid".

"I'm not a kid", Basil pouted. "I'm the one who stitches your knife wounds together".

"What knife wounds?" Gabe asked. Basil raised an eyebrow and held up a small shiny blade. Gabe grinned. "Alright. Got it you mad Doctor. Come on guys", he waved at them. "Let's find some grub and some sleep yeah". The rest of the squad let out relieved groans as they followed him into the mess tent. Basil giggled and sheathed his knife again. He looked up and he and Bucky shared secret smiles as they walked together after them.

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