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The plan worked almost exactly as Steve said. It didn't take long for Frenchie to roll under the tanks as they drove past and leave a couple of bombs as they went. When they went off just as the tanks hit the gate, it was with a almighty noise and a ball of fire. Steve and the others were moving before the smoke was clear. Basil jumped to his feet, his medic and the bombs bags banging on his hip, as the rest of the squad followed. Already shouts and the sputtering of gun fire had begun to sound. He turned and spared a glance to the ridge where he knew Bucky would be watching through his rifle scope, before running after them.

Unlike the rest of the squad, Basil didn't like to carry his rifle. He had one but he also had two blades in each boot and a pistol inside his jacket. So when he was through the gate to the hydra base and his rifle jammed after shooting ten times, he tossed it and pulled out his pistol. The smaller gun was easier to use with his two bags. All he had to do was avoid the weird blue blasts and the tanks as he ran to the buildings. Just point and shoot along the way if any of the black soldiers came close. At the front of the compound, it sounded like Steve and the others were doing a good job at drawing attention. There was the sounds of chaos and the screams of pain. Mostly German screams so Basil guessed that they were doing quite well.

"Frenchie!" He yelled as Jacques appeared between two trucks. The French man made a series of hand motions as he gunned down an attacking hydra soldier. One finger, two fingers, finger gun. Basil immediately changed direction and continued running towards the second building on the right. Gabe and Frenchie would handle the other two.

There was a blast to his right and he went flying. Form flipping through the air then skidding into a roll across the ground. Basil groaned at the sudden sharp flaring pain but pushed himself to his feet. He felt dizzy and there was something sticky on his face. Where was his helmet? Ah, he spotted it over by the open door to the concrete structure he was aiming for. He stumbled forwards, shaking his head to clear it of dizziness. A group of black soldiers appeared through the door and his gun was up before he could even think. A sudden calm seemed to fall. The battle fading to muted background noise as the world seemed to slow. He pulled the trigger and every man fell one by one. Each form falling before they could think to retaliate.

Basil scooped up his helmet and put it on, mind clearing as the world came pounding back. Before another explosion could shake the earth, he was through the door and into the darkness of the building. It was just as dark and dingy as the other hydra facially he had been in. Tiled floors and flickering lights. His footsteps echoed as he began jogging through the corridors. Most of the soldiers would be outside dealing with Steve but Basil couldn't be too careful. All he had to do was find a wall in the centre of the building and place the bombs then get the heck out of there.

Another few turns and he judged that this should be far enough. He ducked into the first open door that he could find, which turned out to be files room. Good, lots of paper to burn. Basil shook off the bag full of bombs and set it in the corner then he struggled with the clasp and pulled the bag open. A mess of wires and steel greeted him. There was a switch on the side and Basil flicked it. A red light shone and he knew that he had three minutes to get out of there. He turned and ran back out of the room, back down the corridors. He passed a black clothed soldier and for a minute panic caught him. But he continued running.

He was breaking back out of the building and into the sunlight when there was a bang. Something caught him and he was twisting, crying out at the sudden pain. His other hand grabbed his pistol and he was aiming before he could fully absorb what had happened. The black soldier half hidden behind a truck stepped out to take a second shot and his head burst. Basil's aim being true. Then the building Frenchie had taken blew. It crumpled like wet paper then the second one blew, almost like a domino effect. Rubble began to rain down and Basil was stumbling, forcing himself round to run.

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