Thirty two

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For once the weather in England was being uncharacteristically cheerful. It was just about warm enough for Basil to roll up the sleeves of his jacket as he walked down the familiar road. Around him the birds were singing, the sun was shining and he wanted nothing more than to shoot each feathery fucker until they felt like he did. (Unfortunately he had to give us his gun before going home. He still had his knives though). The road was dirt, still untouched by concrete, and the farm houses lining it were picturesque white roses in the front gardens and vines climbing up the front. As Basil looked up, the blue door on the house at the end of the lane opened and a small dark figure stepped out.

Basil felt a slight smile tug at his features, the first smile in two days, and he sped up into a jog. He lifted a hand to wave as he came to a stop at the iron gate. "You're still alive!" Phillip called as Basil unlocked the gate. The boy was obviously in his teens. With tanned golden skin and a halo of curly brown hair round his head. He was gangly, almost as tall as Basil but with skinny limbs of teen growth spurts. He wore a pair of brown trousers and a cream shirt. As Basil stepped up the path Phillip strode forwards and they met halfway.

Basil tried to grin but it fell short. "Unfortunately". Phillip took in his expression and then looked around.

"You didn't bring the blue eyes".

"Ah", Basil swallowed down his tears. "Well, he didn't make it".

Phillip looked him over. Basil never hid anything from his brother. Phillip had always been unusually perceptive. He sighed and opened his arms. Basil huffed and smiled slightly as he bent down to give his younger brother a hug. "You've grown", he muttered. "The last time I saw you, you were five inches shorter".

"Yeah well it has been over a year", Phillip pointed out as they separated. "I'm sorry about blue eyes".

"I told him that I loved him before it happened. We had our time. This is war, I should have known that one of us wouldn't make it. I'm just so sad that it had to be him".

"Well I'm glad it wasn't you". There was the sound of the door behind them. Phillip winced. "Brace yourself", he whispered as a shrill cry echoed. There was a clatter of footsteps and a flurry of shawls and skirts.

"Jahi!" Basil yelped as his mother threw her arms around his shoulders. Phillip sniggered behind her as she pulled him close. "Jahi. It's so lovely to see you. Oh my boy", She leaned back to cup his face in her hands. Basil watched as her brown eyes scanned over his features. Sara Parrish was a small petit woman with beautiful long dark hair and burnt caramel skin. Wrinkles lined her forehead and the corners of her mouth. Basil shared her high cheek bones and the shape of her lips. But he had his father's nose, curly hair and green eyes.

Speaking of his father, John Parrish stepped out the doorway behind his wife. He smiled as Sara fussed over her oldest son. He was a man in his fifties with greying ginger curls and freckled skin. He was tall and skinny compared to his small curvy wife. "Mother, mother I'm okay", Basil reassured, hands held up to placate her.

"Nonsense!" She scolded. "What have they been feeding you? You're too skinny". She tutted as she looked him over. "Come inside and let me feed you up". She turned and strode inside in another whirlwind of shawls and long skirts. Basil sighed fondly and shoulder his bag to follow her. He met his father in the doorway. John took one look at him and patted him on the shoulder.

"Are you okay son?"

Basil sagged in his father's hold. He had never told his parents about his attraction to men, wanting to save them if he was ever caught and sentenced. But he had a feeling that his parents knew something. They had raised him after all. "I had a friend. I wanted to bring him back with me but I lost him last week", he exhaled shakily. John silently drew his son into a hug and let Basil lean on him. Basil was still a few inches shorter than his father and he guessed that he would always be. (He had inherited his mother's height). It that moment a hug was just what he needed.

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