Thirty Six

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Basil slumped in the pilot's chair as Steve hurried over to the controls. There were three control panels laid out before them. The left one was sparking dangerously, a hole in one corner from Schmidt's gun. The other two weren't much help. Too many switches and buttons. Basil had no idea how to used them. "The radio", Steve muttered. "Where is the radio?" He flicked several buttons and lights started flashing. The plan began to drop and Basil grabbed the steering wheel. (Why this plane had a steering wheel rather than a control stick, he did not know). He pulled it up and the plane lurched as it began to fly steady again.

Steve found the radio and finally pressed the right button. "Hello control? Can you read me? This is captain Rogers and Corporal Parrish. Hello?"

"Steve?" A female voice. "Steve is that you? Are you alright?" Peggy Carter called down the line. The audio was crackly but they could hear her. Steve sighed slightly in relief at the sound of her voice.

"Hey. Schmidt's dead". The wind billowed loudly around them from the holes in the walls.

"What about the plane?"

"That's a little bit tougher to explain", Basil called back. "Schmidt shot up the control panel a bit and neither of us know how to fly a plane".

"Give me your coordinates and I'll try and find you a safe landing site".

Steve was looking at a small screen on the right hand panel. He pointed it out to Basil and he groaned. The screen showed the whole layout of the ship. It also showed how many bombs there was onboard. Basil sighed. There were more bombs than they realised. Two of which were beeping red. They didn't know if that meant that they were going to go off or if deployment mechanism was faulty. Whatever it was, it was obvious. It they tried to land the plane, the bombs would go off. "I'm not sure if there's going to be a safe landing", Steve called down the radio. "But I can try and force it down".

"I'll get Howard on the line. He'll know what to do".

"There's not enough time. This thing is moving too fast and it's heading for new York". He was right. By the time they flew Howard over to the hydra base and got him on the line they would be back over civilisation again. Basil sighed and gripped the steering wheel so tightly in his hands that his knuckles were turning white. Steve was watching the sea pass below them through the glass. He turned to Basil, a question on is face. Basil bit his lip and nodded grimly. The wind tugging at his curls and face smudged with soot and sweat. "I've got to put her in the water", Steve stated.

"Please don't do this. We have time, we can work it out". Peggy Carter's voice carried a pleading tone.

Steve glanced at the second screen on the left. It was flickering, image fading in and out as sparks continued to burst from the broken wires. "Right now I'm in the middle of nowhere. If I wait any longer then a lot of people are going to die". Steve inhaled deeply as he looked out over the expanse of blue sea and sky before them. "Peggy. This is my choice".

"Agent Carter", Basil called, choosing this moment of silence to speak up.

There was a slight cough. "Yes Corporal Parrish?"

"Find my knife. It should be lodged in a dead guy's throat near Schmidt's office. Sam will know. Send the knife to my brother. I promised him I would send him back one. And can you", Basil swallowed as his voice broke. "Can you tell my Parents that I died a hero? Please. Can you tell them that my death wasn't a waste? They'll be distraught. Just tell them please". He cut off with a sniff, tears catching on his eyelashes. It blurred his vision and he turned to Steve. The man nodded and placed a hand on the wheel as Basil slid from the pilot's seat. Steve sat down and took over steering As Basil allowed himself to drop to the floor. He curled up, knees to his chest under the control panel. One hand at his neck to clutch at his dog tags. Thumb running over the two different names as he broke.

"Yes. I'll tell them. I'll tell them for you".

"Thank you". He turned to look up at Steve and the man nodded. Basil sniffed and grinned. "It's been a honour serving with you Captain Rogers". He held out and hand.

"My pleasure Corporal Parrish", Steve grinned back as he shook it. Then he forced the wheel down. Basil winced as he felt the plane begin to dive. He cupped the dog tags in his hands as he curled up there under the control panel like scared child. The plane shuddered and he laughed shakily. He was going to die. Funny, he never really imagined he'd go out like this. A last thrill of adrenaline filled him and he gave a gasping sob. He grabbed the armrest of the pilot's seat and used it to pull himself up. He stood at Steve's side, watching the sky as the plane dropped. One hand still cradling his dog tags. He was going to die and he didn't want to go curled up in the corner. If his parents were going to be told he died a hero, then he was going to die a hero. He was going to die standing up and with open eyes.

"Hey Sarge", He murmured to himself. "It's really beautiful up here".

Steve was taking to Peggy. Eyes fixed on the approaching sea as they dropped. "Peggy. I'm going to need a rain check on that dance". An ice shore became visible through the clouds. The white tinged with gold as the sun set over the horizon.

There was a sniff and Peggy's voice was choked with tears. "Alright. A week next Saturday at the stork club".

"You've got it", Steve replied.

"Eight o'clock on the dot and don't you dare be late. Understood?"

The shore was coming closer and closer. The plane shuddering around them as it plummeted. Basil gripped his dog tags tighter and crouched down so that he could keep his balance. He could see the golden light of sunset through the glass. The sea rushing up to catch them. "You know", Steve was saying. "I still don't know how to dance".

"I'll show you how. Just be there".

"We'll have the band play something slow". The sea was rushing up. Basil closed his eyes and pressed the thin tin names to his lips as tears began to drip down his cheeks. His hold on the armrest tightening as the shaking increased. ("Hey Sarge. Was the view beautiful when you fell? It's beautiful here. I'll see you in a bit. With you to the end of the line just like I promised"). Steve kept his eyes open, hands on the wheel. "I'd hate to step on your".... A blast of cold and the sickening crunch as the plane collided. Basil felt the world rushing up to meet him. Then pain and silence.


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