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Basil awoke too the soft murmurings of voices and the feeling of something cool being pressed against his forehead

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Basil awoke too the soft murmurings of voices and the feeling of something cool being pressed against his forehead. It felt like day. There was heat on his skin that you could only get from the sun and it was bright against his eyelids. Someone laughed, another joining in. Sounds of pure contentment and fresh air. The cool thing was back on his face. A wet cloth being dragged over his forehead. Basil sighed deeply and relaxed further in to his bed.

The motions paused. "Hey Parrish. You finally waking up?" Bucky's voice. He sounded cheerful, better than . Basil groaned and tried to move. He blinked open his eyes, watching Bucky Barnes' face swim slowly into vision.

"Sarge", Basil's tongue felt like lead. He frowned at the soreness in his limbs.

Bucky smiled widely. His skin was back to its usual healthy colour and the bags under his eyes had gone. He was in clean uniform and his hair was fluffy. Basil closed his eyes, unable to deal with such blinding handsomeness in the morning. (Join the army they said. It will make a man out of you, they said. Well Basil was quite firmly a man. Unfortunately so was everyone else. It was a problem).

"Where are we? How long have I been asleep?" Basil's voice was croaky and rough from waking up. He winced and coughed a few times to clear it.

"We're back in London Basil. You passed out during the escape. Steve and I carried you out then we took as much weapons as we could, blew up Hydra and brought you back to camp", Bucky grinned wider at the victory. Then his smile fell and he looked concerned. "You were asleep for over a week Parrish. Gave us all a right scare. You were flown to London to receive more care after you didn't wake up".

Basil groaned again and looked around. He was in the large medical wing. All clean white and shiny metal. It was similar yet not so similar to the room with steel tables. This medical room was lit with morning sun and softer. Only half the other beds were full and the nurses were milling around checking on patients. He also noticed with some annoyance that he had a iv in his arm and someone had changed his shirt into a nightshirt. He has been washed down too, whoever did that should sure be honoured, he though grumpily.

"Did you miss me Sarge?" Basil grinned.

"Punk", Bucky retorted. He reached out to ruffle Basil's hair. Basil blinked at the sudden brotherly fondness. The gesture made him feel warm inside.

Bucky pulled away and Basil tried not to let his surprise show on his face. "Why did you never tell me that you were nineteen? You said you were twenty one". He let out a huff of breath. "Goddamn it Basil, you almost got yourself killed for us. Why the heck did you volunteer?"

"Technically my twentieth birthday passed when we were held captive", Basil grunted as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. "I have earned my rank and my knowledge as a doctor. I was in my last year of my forensic anthropology degree at London university before I signed up. I've been in the army for over a year now so don't start treating me like a kid".

Bucky rolled his eyes. "Okay, I get it. Still Basil, you're insane. What they did to us there, that was"- he broke off to shiver slightly at the thought of the cold steel tables and white tiles. Basil rubbed his neck where scars from the dozens of needles had formed. "-That wasn't pleasant. Still you're three years younger than me. Don't blame me if I get annoyed by that. Older brother instincts, you know?"

Basil sighed. He would probably react the same way if he found someone three years younger doing what he did. Not that the thought made him less grumpy. A low gurgling of his stomach made him flush. "Could I have food?" Basil asked. Bucky nodded and left. While he was gone a medic came and checked him over. Surprisingly, despite being asleep for such a long time, Basil was pretty healthy. Other than the still healing ribs and slight malnourishment and dehydration, he was okay.

Bucky returned with a tall blonde shadow. He handed Basil a bowl of stew and some bread which Basil immediately began inhaling. Bucky reclaimed his seat on the edge of the bed while Steve looked over them. "Nice to meet you", Steve greeted. He smiled, all American golden boy face practically glowing. He was in full uniform and the captain stripes shone on his shoulder and chest. Basil grinned with his mouth full and shook Steve's hand. The man's hand engulfed his and he tried to ignore the apprehension Steve's size gave him.

"Thanks for saving our arses", he replied cheerfully before frowning. "But didn't Bucky say you were tiny?"

Steve and Bucky laughed. "No problem corporal".

"It's Basil Parrish".

"Parrish, it's a long story". Steve shuffled self consciously. He moved with a slight hesitancy that reminded Basil of a teenage boy. Someone who had grow rapidly and was yet unused to his new size. But he had a easy going and passionate personality that made Basil instantly like him.

"After seeing that red bastard", Basil grinned but it was all teeth. "And being experimented on for over a week. I think I need to know what kind of serum they were trying to create".  He gave the two men a look telling them that he was not taking any excuses. The effect was probably lessened by the half eaten food in his lap but he was trying. "I may have been drugged", Basil continued. "But I still heard talking. It doesn't take an idiot to figure it out".

Steve and Bucky exchanged glances. Basil felt a pang of jealousy at the obvious deep seated friendship, the ease at which they moved around each other. Both men were comfortable and knew each other so well that they didn't need words to communicate. Just a glance. He wanted that. Wether romantic or platonic, he wanted someone who understood him. Basil grit his teeth and pushed the feeling aside. Jealously won't do him any favours apart from making him feel miserable. To distract himself, he resumed eating. The stew was not great since it was army food, but it tasted like the best thing Basil had eaten in years.

Steve sighed and gestured to the empty space behind Bucky on the bed. "May I?" He asked. Basil nodded and he sat down. Steve glanced around to make sure that no one else was within ear shot before beginning his story. Basil listened calmly as Steve explained his meeting with Dr Erskine and the super solider serum. His role within the propaganda industry and how he committed mutiny to come and save them. Basil noted how Steve's eyes lit up when he mentioned officer Peggy Carter.

"Trust you to do something stupid as soon as I leave", Bucky sighed, placing his head in his hands. Steve looked mockingly offended.

"Who got captured? You definitely took all the stupid with you", Steve snarked back. Bucky laughed.

"That certainly explains some things", Basil muttered once Bucky's laughter had died. "Alas! I have turned loose into the world a depraved wretch, whose delight was in carnage and misery". The quote fell from Basil's lips thoughtfully and the mood turned sour. Frankenstein. Erskine had created a monster, only to be killed by it.

"Schmidt is not going to stop", Steve huffed, understanding what Basil had meant. "I have been asked to captain a small force and take out the rest of the hydra camps in Europe. I am allowed to pick my men. Would you both consider it?"

"Of course Steve", Bucky grinned, clapping his friend on the back. "Until the end of the line remember?" Steve beamed at him.

Basil coughed, disturbing the brotherly love moment. "I might as well join too", he smirked. "Think you could use a medic?"

"A medic would be greatly appreciated", Steve replied cheerfully. He held out his hand and Basil shook it. "Welcome to the team Parrish".

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