Thirty four

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"Johan Schmidt belongs in a bug house", colonel Phillips stated as he turned away form the board of maps. "Thinks he's god and is willing to blow up half the world to prove it, starting with the American seaboard". He gestured at the east coast of America on the map. The room was quiet as they listened. Dozens of army higher ups all assembled round where Steve was sitting at the head of the table.

"Schmidt is working with powers beyond our capabilities", a dark haired man Basil had been told was the Howard Stark of Stark industries, said as he came and took the empty chair at Steve's right. Basil was sat on Steve's left. The rest of the howling commandos on his other side, occupying half of the table. "If he gets across the Atlantic, he'll wipe out the entire eastern seaboard in a hour". Howard's exhaled loudly. Next to him, Peggy was watching the room.

"How much time had we got?" Gabe asked as Steve put down the report he had been reading. Basil rubbed at the hangover headache lingering behind his eyes (Serves him right for getting drunk before a large scale attack) and sighed. All this end of the world stuff was giving him anxiety.

"According to my new best friend, under twenty four hours", Colonel Phillips replied.

"Where is he now?" Frenchie voiced.

The Colonel held up a black and white image so that the whole table could see it. "Hydra's last base is here in the alps. Five hundred feet below the surface". He tossed the photograph onto the table and Jim picked it up.

"So what are we supposed to do?" Dum Dum said.

"Well it's not like we can just knock on the front door", Jim dropped the photo back down and threw up his hands.

"Why not?" Steve asked. The whole table turned to look at him. He looked up and met their stares. "That's exactly what we're going to do".

"This sounds like another heroic self sacrificing plan", Basil huffed. He shrugged and threw up his hands. "I'm in".


"Do you think that was a big enough knock?" Basil asked as he watched Steve's motorcycle blow open the doors to the hydra base. He was perched with the rest of the howling commandos up on another snow covered ledge. Zip wire lines hunting in the air above them as they watched the fight down below. Steve's little blue figure finally holding up his hands in surrender as the hydra soldiers took him in their custody.

"I think so", Jim grinned under his own binoculars. "And he's been taken inside. Tell me when you can see him through the windows Pinky". Basil set down his binoculars and reached up to latch the belt with the handle bars to one of the lines. On either side of him, Dum Dum and Monty were doing the same. Gabe and Sam were stocking their ammo and handing out weapons. Sam handed Basil his trusty rifle. The weapon fully loaded.

Basil swung it over his shoulder and grabbed Sam by the arm as the man turned. "Hey Sam can you do me a favour?" Same paused and nodded.

"Sure. What?"

"I'm going to use my knives and take down as many of those bastards as possible. But if I don't make it, can you retrieve them and send them to my brother? I promised him I would send him the blades back with Nazi blood on them".

Sam blinked. "Sure. Of course. Just don't die on me Basil".

Basil laughed as he let Sam go and took ahold of the handle bar again. "No promise Sam". The man gave him a wary look as he turned back to his guns. Basil just gave him a wide smile.

Sam pulled a face. "Don't give me any of your creepy shit Parrish. Save it for hydra". The men laughed.

"He's in. Go go go!" Frenchie called. Basil took a deep breath and walked forwards until his toes were on the edge of the drop. Hundreds of feet blow him the ground was covered in snow. He gripped the handle bar tightly and stepped off the ledge. Immediately his weight was picked up by the wire and he was flying through the air. (Please don't go ghost. Please don't go ghost. Please don't go ghost). For a second he imagined Bucky falling and his stomach lurched. Then he was crashing through the large windows of Schmidt's office. He let go of the handle and landed on Schmidt's desk.

"Hi Cap!" He called as he began shooting. "Need a hand?" Two black uniformed soldiers fell as Basil shot them down. He looked up just in time to watch as Schmidt fled down a corridor. Behind him, three more of his squad members burst through the window.

"Rogers!" Dum Dum called as he scooped up Cap's shield. "You might need this". He tossed it and Steve caught it before running after Schmidt.

"I'm going after Cap!" Basil called as he sprinted after the star spangled hero. There were a few shouts behind him but he didn't listen. More men fell to his bullets as he marched forwards. As he got into the corridor something exploded and the whole structure became full of smoke. Below him he could hear the sounds of the army storming through the giant hole in the doors that Cap had made.

Basil ducked as bullets ricocheted over his head. "Ah fuck this!" He groaned. He couldn't see where Cap had gone. The star spangled man with a plan had disappeared. Basil crouched in a corner as bullets pinged off the walls around him. He took a few more shots and heard the cries of pain as he hit something but then his gun ran out. He clicked the trigger uselessly. "Bloody hell". He pulled out a knife as a black armoured figure grew closer and threw it. The man went down as the blade sunk into his neck.

Basil cursed and then he was falling. Body falling through the floor and down. He caught glimpses of battles as he fell through the levels. Down and down. He yelped, twisting in mid air as he fell out into open air. Then he hit the concrete with a thud. "Owww", he groaned. Everything felt like one big bruise. It hurt.

"Start up the engines", a voice commanded. Basil forced himself to sit up as he heard something start the thrum above him. He was under a plane. He must have fallen all the way to ground level. Wheezing painfully, the breath having been knocked out of him, he rolled over and pushed himself to his feet as the plane began to turn. He hobbled over to the wheels as it began to pull away. He sped up. Moving from a limp into a run, fingers reaching out to grasp the metal. Careful of the two massive spinning wheels on each side, he climbed on the landing gear and clung on as the plane sped up.

"Steve isn't around to yell at me for being stupid", he muttered as he began to slowly climb up the the landing gear. Behind him he could hear the sound of battle. The plane sped up and Basil turned. A car was chasing them. He could see a familiar blue figure standing on the bonnet. "Steve!" He called, waving. Below him the plane was beginning to lift from the ground.

"Basil!" Steve's surprised voice was audible over the noise of the propellors. The car sped up and Steve had to duck as it weaved narrowly between the spinning blades. Basil had to admire Colonel Phillip's driving.

He reached out a hand. "Come on Steve!" Steve turned and Basil rolled his eyes as Agent Carter pulled him down for a kiss before releasing him. "Haven't got all day Cap!" He shouted. Steve blinked then threw himself forwards just as the plane left the edge of the runway. For a brief second it was like that scene back in Italy. Steve suspended in midair. Then Basil was catching his hand and pulling him close as his body hit the metal.

"How the hell did you get here?" Steve huffed as the landing gear started folding up. Basil laughed as the ground dropped beneath them.

"I'm just lucky".


Oooooooo. Near the end guys.

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