Twenty one

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"Oh they're filming us", Basil whispered to Bucky. In the background they could still hear Steve talking to the other captain. They had grouped with a American troop near the Belgian border and were due to plan a coordinated attack on a nearby hydra base. At the moment the squad and the higher ranked officers were all gathered round the hood of land rover where they had spread a map as they went over the plan for the fifth time that day. Basil was getting bored.

Bucky glanced over to the Corporal on the other side of the tent. The man was holding one of those big film cameras on his shoulders, the lens directed at them. "Probably for the higher ups back home", he murmured. Basil pulled a stupid face at the camera. Bucky swatted him on the arm. "Stop that".

"But Sarge I'm on film", Basil whined. "I've never been on film before. My brother will be so jealous. Do I look good?" He made an attempt to flatten his curls. Bucky snorted and ruffled them. The static making them promptly frizz up again. Basil pouted. "Really?"

"Oh shush", Bucky grinned. "They're not filming us. They're filming their golden boy captain America over there. Nobody cares what you look like". Basil's pout only deepened.

"Thank you captain Rogers", the older captain patted Steve on the arm. The blonde nodded and the group finally began to disperse. Steve picked up his compass and tucked in his coat as he walked over to where Bucky and Basil were standing.

"That looked tedious", Bucky greeted. Steve sighed.

"Tell me about it. Are they still filming?" Basil peered round Steve's shoulders.

"Yes". He grinned at the camera and threw his arm round Bucky's shoulders. The taller man huffed and rolled his eyes. "Why are you filming?" He called over to the corporal with the camera.

"Orders from the general. They want footage of the Captain in the field". Steve gave Bucky and Basil a long suffering look, making sure that it wasn't caught buy the camera. Basil hid his smirk behind his hand. "Um", the corporal spoke up. "Could we get some footage of the howling commandos?" The man looked at them eagerly but also with the persistence of a fly.

"I hate that name", Gabe commented. They all turned to see him wandering over, his hands full of letters and boxes. He grinned at them. "Post!"

"Yes!" Basil let go of Bucky to jump forwards. "Any for me?"

Gabe laughed at his eagerness and handed over a wrapped parcel before moving on the pass some letters to Steve and Bucky. Basil examined the parcel eagerly. It was wrapped in brown paper and there was a letter tied to it in twine. He recognised his brother's handwriting and tore it open eagerly. It was a short letter as his brother had never been as talkative as him. In true Phillip style, it was neat and to the point.


Glad you're not dead. No, I do not understand any of the flowery words of love you are so fond of using. Either kiss the blue eyes or don't. Your choice.
On other things, everything is boring as hell here. Mother tried to kill the neighbours cat again for eating her tulips and Edith is still as pretty as always, thanks for asking. (Before you immediately write back, no I will not wax poetry about her like you love to. And no I have not asked her to go dancing yet. You know I have two left feet).
Other than that, we are well. Mother and father send their wishes and a gift. Now of course father would never send you any of his knives ("they are collectors items that I will not send to be lost in the recesses of Europe!") so here's a few that he had made instead. Try not to loose them as I spent many afternoons throwing them to make sure they were perfectly balanced. (Mother helped by throwing some at the cat).
If you don't come back with nazi blood on the blades then you're a dishonour to the family. If you die have one of your friends send them back so that I can keep them for the rest of my life then sell them for thousands as collectors items just like father.

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