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True to Bucky's word, the 107th marched out a daybreak. Basil was forced to arise from his cot, throw a heavy backpack on his back and a even larger medical bag over his shoulder then march cross country. Nothing less than what he was expecting but still mind numbingly exhausting. Half way through the day some of the more friendlier of the men took turns helping Basil and the other medic carry their gear.

There were fifteen medics in Basil's regiment in total. Fifteen for over a hundred men. Some were nice, some were right arses but no one could be picky. Basil did not know many of them yet. Still fresh to the squad and too english for the Americans to warm up too. (Some were still salty over the war of independence). The ones he did know were nice enough. There was Blair, Todd, Avery and Davids. Jameson still hated him and after the incident, Harry Palmer had distanced himself too. Not that Basil could care. They made their choices.

Gabriel Blair was a man in his mid to late twenties. Dark brown skin like a nut and a shaved head. He'd had the bunk on Basil's other side but they hadn't really gotten to talking until they moved out. They had kept pace with each other and Blair had offered to help Basil with his bags. Basil had asked why.

"We can't have our medics exhausted by the time the fighting starts", Blair had grinned with two big dimples, words thick with a southern accent. "If you're too tired to reach us when we're shot then it is our own fault". His face was so sincere, like a hopeful puppy, that Basil had sighed but relented.

Blair was a talkative childlike man, Basil soon discovered. The man was eager and would not shut up. Before the noon had left Basil knew about Blair's younger sisters, his wife, how his mama made the best stew, how he was a mechanic, how old his dog was. Basil wondered where he got the breath.

Then Blair's friends had joined and any hope for peace was soon squashed. They were familiar names and faces from the shared tent back at camp. All of them were ones Basil knew but hadn't really spoken too. There was Patrick Todd, a fiery red haired man built like a truck, who spoke with a soft sort of hush. Basil didn't really know what to make of him as he appeared very stoic. There was also Christopher Avery. Head of blonde curls and angular features. The cheap metal cross round his neck and warm hazel eyes spoke more of his character than Basil needed to know. Avery didn't speak much, merely hung at Davis' side. Now Sebastian Davis was probably the one Basil trusted the lest of the four. He was tall, dark and handsome, charismatic in the charming way that seemed slightly too try hard. Basil didn't normally like people like that.But the chatter of the four men was a interesting relief from the monotonous marching and Basil was glad that he didn't have to carry so much.

As they moved the landscape changed and became more rocky, less of the large green fields and more trees. Legs ached and throats grew partched. Bags wearing on shoulders and digging into bones. By the time they stopped for nightfall, Basil was cursing all superior officers in his mind. Why did they have to march so much? Where the hell were they going anyway?

They didn't get any answers until that evening when they were allowed to make camp and retire for the night. They camped in a secluded side of a hill, safely hidden by a enough trees to hide over two hundred men. As they bunkered down they all separated into small squads. Some were sent on look out and rosters were organised. Fires were not allowed, in case they gave away their position. Instead, Basil's squad all sat around a small group of lamps. Bucky stood over them wearing his command like a coat. His face was set gravely as he looked over his men.

"There is a base north east of here. Our mission is to try and take it. We will arrive there in three days. Other orders will await until then. Try and get some sleep. We're all going to need it".


Three days passed quicker than Basil expected. On the evening of the second day the 107th caught sight of the hydra base in the distance. They bunkered down for the night, aiming to attack in the morning. Basil made his bed near his newfound friend's. Blair, Avery, Todd and Davis all set up in a semicircle across the grass. Bucky also set down his bedroll near by, curling up to ward off the cold.

"Hey Parrish", Blair whispered. His eyes wide a dark in the dim light. No fires and the lanterns were extinguished and cooling. Above them, the stars gleamed through the trees. The forest floor a nest of leaves and loose earth.

Basil rolled his eyes and tried not to sigh. "Yeah Blair?" He asked. It was quiet. In the background he could hear a few men snoring. Todd was particularly loud a few feet away. Avery had taken the man's pillow and thrown it over his head to muffle the sound. Looking up, Bail noticed the closeness in which Avery's and Davis' blankets were placed, both men turned inwards towards each other as they slept. Something clicked into place and Basil felt his inherent distrust of Davis slide. So that was the deal.

"You feel prepared for tomorrow?" Blair muttered, voice low.

"Not really", Basil shrugged. "But are you ever prepared?"

"At lest you'll be towards the back with the wounded", Blair commented with a forced smile. His white teeth seemed especially dark against his dark skin and the midnight blue sky. "Not like us poor bastards in the front lines". He let out a sigh, smile falling.

Basil felt the urge to say something to the other man. Comfort him maybe. He huffed, leaning up on an elbow to pole Blair in the arm. "At least I'll be there to patch you if something goes wrong. Stop worrying so much. If we die, we die. There's always going to be a battle. Not until the war ends".

"My wife sent me a letter", Blair said so lowly that Basil had to strain to hear him. "I have a tradition that if one comes just before a battle, I wait until the eve before to read it". Basil had seen him bent over a piece of paper earlier at rations. Blair grinned widely in pure joy. "She's pregnant. I got the news before I deployed. I've got a baby boy. He's called Raphael. He has my curls apparently, and her green eyes".

"Congrats", Basil reached out and patted him on the shoulder. "That's great news".

"I want to see him", Blair turned and smiled at Basil. "I want to live long enough to see him".

Basil sighed, a weight falling on his heart. "We can't hope to understand the universe", he replied after a long moment. "I can't promise you anything. But I hope you do too".

"Thanks man", Blair whispered before rolling over.

Basil looked at his back for a moment before rolling over himself. His gaze fell on Barnes a few feet away. Blue eyes met green. Basil blinked at him, holding his gaze. Cheekily, he blew a kiss and mouthed goodnight. Before he could see Barnes' reaction, he rolled onto his back and occupied himself with picking out the constellations until he fell asleep.

Anyone seen the tv show Pacific? Oof.

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