Thirty five

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It didn't take them long to climb up from where the landing gear was folded into the main body of the plane. The main part of the plane was mostly open hatched where the bombs waited, ready to be deployed. Basil was surprised to see that each other bombs were designed to be small aircraft. Each large explosive had a pilot seat built in with a glass roof. Each city the bombs were meant for were helpfully labelled on the side. He guessed that as the plane flew by, a hydra soldier would then fly the bomb like a plane so that it couldn't be easily shot down. They were obviously inspired by kamikaze pilots. Genius but a horrific idea. The fact that there were people willing to go and die for a cause like this made Basil feel slightly nauseous.

The two of them crept along the metal walkways cross crossing the plane. Any black uniform they saw, they disposed off quickly. Steve only had his shield and Basil only had his knives. But a knife was silent compared to a gun and they got through over ten soldiers before one started firing. Basil cursed as a body, his knife still ticking out of it's head, slumped over the rails and plummeted out of one of the open hatches. It disappeared into the open sky below. "Damn. I liked that knife".

"Basil", Steve pushed him back as he jumped forwards as gunshots rang out. They bounced off his shield as Steve kept running. He rammed the soldier into railings then tipped him over the side. The man screamed as he swiftly disappeared.

"Bye!" Basil waved. He cackled loudly. "Have a nice flight".

"Basil. Not the time or place", Steve called as he turned on another soldier. The man was shooting at them. Basil began screaming. He ran straight through Steve, through the bullets as the man kept frantically shooting. Just as he reached him, Basil turned solid again and jumped up to kick him in the face. The man's helmet slammed against the railings as he went down.

Basil turned around triumphantly. Steve was watching him with a wide eyed expression. "You are terrifying", he laughed.

Basil grinned, "thank you. I have realised that we are definitely not getting out of this alive so I'm just going to go all out. I can't fly a plane. You can't fly a plane". He let out a whoop and screamed loudly. "We're fucked!" He giggled with adrenaline. Steve snorted and waved a hand at him.

"Come on Basil. Let's go and finish this". His sentence was punctuated buy the pop of more gunfire. Basil pulled Steve behind one of the bombs as the bullets bounced off the metal. They crouched down behind the shelter as more gunfire sounded. Steve turned to Basil. "Can you get them?"

Basil poked his head up and yelped as a bullet almost took his head off. "Ah! I have no idea what I'm doing! I don't know how to control the ghostly thing. Just give me some cover and I'll use my knives". Steve nodded and raised his shield. He jumped out form their cover and the buckets instantly hit his shield. Basil peered round him and threw his knives. They met their targets with twin thuds and the bodies slumped.

Basil ran through Steve to retrieve them. Steve blinked at him and gave him a tired expression. "Is that all of them?" He asked, looking around when no more black uniforms jumped out to shoot them.

"Just Schmidt left", Steve panted as he stood. He stepped over the the bloody bodies and patted Basil on the shoulder as he passed. "Come on".

The cockpit was empty as the two of them crept inside. Steve took point, his shield held out in front of him warily as he stepped down the stairs. Basil followed behind him like a shadow, knives in each hand. He was running out. One blade had been left behind at the hydra base, while two more had been lost to the open air. He had seven left. Only two big ones and five small ones. He held each of the lager knives. The blades hanging low as they crossed over towards where the pilot chair stood. It was a tall backed thing with a complex looking panel of controls. Steve stepped cautiously round it, hoping to see if Schmidt was sitting there. The humming whine of a gun charging up caught their attention. Steve whirled, instinctively shoving Basil behind his shield. The blast botched off the metal and hit the wall. Immediately air billowed around them from the new hole.

The red skull grinned. "You don't give up do you?"

Basil poked his head up from behind Steve's shoulder. "I thought I was hallucinating last time but that is actually quite disgusting. Are you sure that's healthy? Are you okay?" Schmidt gave him a confused expression and Basil took the opportunity to throw one of his knives. It impaled itself in Schmidt's shoulder and the man dropped his gun with a yell of pain. Steve was already charging.

Schmidt pulled out the knife and threw it back at them. It bounced off the shield and landed on the floor as Steve kept moving. He aimed a fist at the red skull but Schmidt ducked under the blow and kneed him in the stomach. Steve swung his shield but Schmidt leaned back as the curved edge narrowly avoided his neck. He stepped forwards, ready to throw a punch at Steve's face but Basil was there. He charged right through Steve and kicked Schmidt right between the legs. Schmidt groaned and stumbled back. "Nice kick", Steve panted.

"Never fight fair", Basil huffed, pushing his sweaty curls out of his eyes. He pulled out two more knives and raised them as Schmidt came charging back with a yell. Steve blocked his punches. Both super soldiers locked in a battle of strength. Basil didn't have super strength, but he was fast. He jumped in and out between them. Blows and kicks landing before he was jumping back out to avoid retaliation. He knew that if Schmidt got him, the man could break his neck in a instant. He wasn't exactly a fan of that.

Steve kicked Schmidt in the chest and the red skull went flying. He hit the wall and rolled. When he came up again, it was with a gun in his hand. Steve immediately grabbed his shield and Basil jumped behind the pilot seat. "You could have the power of the gods", Schmidt shouted as he fired. A blue blast ricocheted off Steve's shield. It scorched a hole in the pilot's chair and Basil yelped. "Yet you wear a flag on your chest and think you fight a battle of nations". He fired again. This time aiming at Basil. He ducked down and the blast hit the control panel. Something sparked and blew. "I have seen the future Captain". Bang. Steve ducked behind a metal pillar. "There are no flags!" Bang.

"That is not my future", Steve retorted. He rolled, another shot hitting his shield. Then he was on his feet and throwing the shield through the air. It hit Schmidt in the chest. The man falling back and hitting the metal reactor thing in the centre of the floor. Basil watched as blue light burst up at something broke.

"What have you done?" Schmidt snarled as he stood. Something had been knocked from the reactor. Basil emerged from behind the pilot's chair as Schmidt picked it up. It was a glowing blue cube. Blue energy seemed to crackle like lightning from it. It dance through the air, becoming brighter and brighter. Schmidt screamed and Basil covered his eyes as it blinded him. When he blinked them open again, Schmidt was gone and the cube had fallen to the floor. Both him and Steve watched as it melted through the metal and dropped out into the air, disappearing into the clouds below.


So close now guys. Only two more parts to go.

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