Chapter 6: Worry

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Pacifica's POV

I glance at him and held him my right hand; for a friendly handshake. "Friends?" I say and make eye contact with him. I try to compose myself as he touches my hand and we mutually nod at each other.

"Yeah, friends." He replies and smiles. There was something about his smile, it was different. It was genuine. But I somehow seem to realize that he was like hiding something.

He stands up and lends me a hand. I look at him intently; processing what is happening. "You have to find somewhere safe and hide. You can't go along with me solving. It's way too dangerous." He says, something was different about him when he told me that. He was like worried and protective, but that would be impossible, who would care about me? I'm just a spoiled brat with no real friends. But I wish that Dipper and I had a real friendship.

"No, I'm coming," I protest as I took his hand and stood up. "I wanna help." I say bravely, even though I could feel fear creeping at me.

"No, it's too dangerous." He replies as he tighten his grip around my hand. "You're gonna get hurt." He says sincerely.

Was he really worried about me or he doesn't just want to tag me along with his ghost hunting. Well I guess it's the second one.

"I don't care. I just wanna get out of this mess." I say as I glance again at our interwind hands. This was happening like all the time. But I somehow find it cute and I feel so secured when he holds my hand.

'Pacifica! What are you thinking?' My Sub-conscious scowls at me. 'Don't tell me you're falling for this nerd?!'

'Hey, He's not a nerd.' I battle with myself.

Mabel's POV

Grenda, Candy and I walk at the staircase and admire the huge chandelier. It was just so mesmerizing.

I look at the fountain and see a blond hair guy with a suit and tie. Then I realize it was, Gabe. I squeal and the girls look at me questionably.

"Are you okay Mabel?" Grenda asks.

Candy puts a hand at my forehead. "Maybe you're sick."

"Oh don't be silly Candy," I giggle. "Gabe is here. He's finally here." I say dreamingly as I imagine him asking me to dance with him.

"Oh, then talk to him then!" Grenda screams which take half of the attention of the crowd. "Sorry." She blushes.

"Yeah you should." Candy mutters sadly.

"Are you okay Candy?" I put a hand on her shoulder. "Should we like talk about your problem?" I ask at her.

"Well, Im just gonna go get some punch." Grenda says as she flashes a smile at us before leaving.

"Yeah, I would like that." Candy smiles.

I lead her to the fancy couch and we both sit together and she looks at me nervously. "Mabel, I know you like Gabe, but I think you should know that I like him too." She pauses and waits for an appropriate response.

"Wow, um. I don't know what to say. . ." I trail off. I just can't believe that my best friend likes the guy who I like. "Maybe we should like, I don't know have a competition?" I joke but her face seems priceless. "May the best girl win?" I joke again and stifle a giggle.

"Wow, I expected much more from you Mabel! I can't believe you would settle a competition for Gabe?!" She says as she narrows her eyes at me.

"No wa-" She cut me off by saying;

"Fine. May the best girl win." She says as she stands up and leaves.

"It was just a joke Candy!" I scream but she walks really fast.

Oh no, what have I just done?

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