Chapter 23: Sacrifices

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Dipper's POV

The countdown was set to 0 : 09 : 05, which means; nine minutes and 5 seconds left.

I feel my hands tighten around the branch I was holding. I immediately hit the approaching man on his shoulder, hard. It was the Woodpecker's husband (I don't really know his name).

He falls to the ground and winces in pain. I look at the others to how are they doing.

Wendy was against Blind Ivan, Pacifica & Mabel were against Bud Gleeful and Soos was against Skull Fracture Bouncer. They were fighting with branches.

To be honest, we look kinda silly; saving the world with only the use of branches, tree branches.

I hear a scream and see Mabel and Wendy get trapped in a cage.

"Dipper, help!" Mabel say as she kicks the cage. While Wendy keeps on hitting the cage with her axe, violently.

Soos gets hanged up in a tree by trap. "Well, at least now I know what that thing does." He says with a nervous chuckle.

Wait- Where's Pacifica?

"Looking for someone, Pines?" Sprott says as she threatens to drop Pacifica off the cliff.

"Let me go! I'm gonna tell my parents, and they'll sue you!" She struggles, but I wish she didn't say that.

If he drops her. . .

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"Pacifica!" I gasp as I look at her struggling. "Pacifica, stop!" I shout. A surprised look flashes her face. "If you keep on struggling you'll fall into a hundred-tall cliff, and that's not a good idea at all."

"Shut up, kid!" He scolds me like poison lacing words. "The little girly wants to die." He says, a sly smile tugs his face.

Think Dipper, think.

"What do you want?" I say in defeat, since I have no idea what to do.

A victorious smile forms on his face. "Nothing else to defeat me boy? No silly ideas in your small brain?" He mocks, "Hah- you're weak! You are nothing but a boy who thinks that he can save everything just because of the journals." He laughs. "You're just a kid."

"Wait, Journals?" I ask in confusion. "There's more?"

"Of course, there's more!" He shouts, "We all have to gather the journals and put in on the contraption so that the machine will work, before the time runs out." He explains and points to the timer which is down to 00 :00 : 00: 00: 03: 36

"This timer has been running since 30 years. And we were gathering the journals since then. All is left is Number 3. And who would thought, that the one who we've been searching for is a useless boy." He laughs.

"Give the Journal or this Girl will meet her true fate." He looks at me, threatening to drop Pacifica.

"Dipper!" She gasps, tears brimming on her eyes. "Don't give it to him!"

I took the journal out of my vest and hand it to him. "I gave you the journal. Now, put her down."

"Okay." He says and puts Pacifica down. I ran to her and gave her a hug.

"It's gonna be fine, Pacifica. It's gonna be fine." I say to her, as I sighed in relief.

"Actually, I was planning on dropping you both." Sprott says,

"What-" before I could finish my sentence he pushes the both of us off ths cliff. "AHHH!"

We fall, and I struggle to find something to hold on to. I first grab Pacifica's hand before my hand clings into an old tree branch stuck into the cliff.

I look down and Pacifica's eyes meet with mine. "Dipper!" She cries, "What are we gonna do?" She shouts and her voice bounces resulting to an echo in the abyss.

"Just hang on tight!" I reply, as I hear the branch crack. "It's gonna be okay! It's gonna b-" She cuts me with a shout.

"Stop saying it's okay, because it's not okay! Stop pretending that we are gonna survive." She says, tears tolling down her face.

I stare at her. Since it's the only thing I can do.

"This branch can't hold the both of us any longer." She says, as I felt tears running down my cheeks.

"Pacifica, no." I say as I shake my head. "Don't do this." I plead as I hear the branch crack again.

The next words tore me apart.

"Dipper, Let me go."

"No, no, no, Pacifica. We can make it." I cry, "We can survive this whole thing." I plead.

"I love you, Pacifica. Please don't do this, please. I can't afford to lose you." I cry harder, tightening the grip on her hand, but I can already feel her slipping away, slowly.

"Hey, hey." She says, softly. "It's okay." She tries to smile, but she ended up crying.

"I'll always love you, Dip. Thank you for the great times you spent with me. I'll treasure them with all of my heart" She looks at me and the branch cracks again.

"Just please, let me do this for you." She says, "Let me go." I can feel her slipping away.

"I can't Pacifica." I sob. "I can't. Please don't do this." I plead.

"I'm sorry." She says and slips out of my grip and falls and gets engulfed in the fog.


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Guys. I'm crying.

Next update will be the second to the last chapter.

Please comment your thoughts about this chapter.

What do you feel right now?
What do you think will happen next?

lots of love,
Agent Trigger

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