Chapter 22: Save the Day

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Dipper's POV

I wake up being tied up, again. This is so getting on my nerves now. I feel my head ache a little bit. I groan and try to reach for my forehead, but unluckily I'm all tied up.

I glance for the others and they were tied up on a different tree each, except Mabel was beside me. They were still unconscious. I notice that the sky was already blended with orange and pink shades. I quickly look at my watch and it was already seven in the evening.

There was this constant beeping, beeping per second. Like its counting down. I look at the huge contraption and see red blinking numbers, counting down. That must be the count down for doomsday. I shudder at the thought.

Two Hours Left.

My eyes widen in a beat as I start to whisper-yell to the others.

"Mabel, Mabel!" I try to wake her up. "Wake up!"

She groans a little bit and says, "No, put Waddles down." She says, her eyes still closed.

"Mabel!" I say once more, a little louder this time. "MAABEL!"

"Wait, what?" She says in surprise, her head shaking frantically.

"We have to shut that machine down!" I whisper-yell at her.

"But how are we gonna do that?" She replies,

"Hmm, I got and Idea," I say as I smile a little bit.

> > > >

"One, two, three." I count down, "Go, Mabel!" I signal her.

She nod in reply and says, "Hey, Mr. Toby Determined!" She calls out.

He spins around and walks to Mabel, "Yeah, Pines?" He says,

"What's with that whiskers of yours? They look like they belong to a cat!" She mocks him.

He defends himself and they continue for a while. You're doing a great job Mabel.

I focus on Wendy, and signal her as well. She nods in reply and reaches for her axe that she had on her back. It took her a while to get it. She then muttered a 'yes' and cut her ropes quietly. It's a good thing they didn't check if we have something sharp. They never learn.

She then runs to Soos and Pacifica to cut their ropes as well. They all run to me and cut my rope. My hands are now free from that tight rope. Mabel's rope is only left.

"You know what? You're just a kid! You don't know anything at all." Toby mocks Mabel. "We're gonna win and all of you meddling kids are gonna be down on the ground."

He laughs at her, what he didn't know was we were all behind him. "Well, not for long." Mabel smiles as Wendy hits him on the head using the handle of the axe. He falls down unconscious and Wendy cuts Mabel's rope.

"Thanks, Toby was about to cry." She giggles,

I glance at the huge Machine and it was now counting down on 1 : 34 : 21 (one hour, 34 minutes and 21 seconds left)

"Come one we have to shut it down!" I say, "It was now four against five! I think we can take them down!" I say enthusiastically. "Come on, grab anything we can use for a weapon."

"But Dipper- we're in the forest, there's nothing we can use." Pacifica says,

"Don't worry, we can always attack them with huge branches." I say as I pick up a tree branch. They all do the same as well.

"LET'S DO THIS!" Mabel says enthusiastically as we all charge to the men; plotting the doomsday.

> > > >

Hello guys! This chapter is so short, I know.

Only two or three chapters left for this book guys! :(

The next chapter will be filled with sad, romantic, and adventurous moments. So stay tune.

Be prepared for the next chapter guys, I cannot promise you that someone won't die. So it means, someone may die in the next chapter.

I'll update Tomorrow for you guys :)

Anyways don't forget to Comment and Vote!

Thanks for reading!

Love you xx

Lots of Love,
Agent Trigger

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