Chapter 13: Feelings

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Dipper's POV

I ran through the gloomy hallways, calling her name. Finding her.

"Pacifica?" I call out. "Pacifica?" I call out once again.

A click echoes through the hallway and I stop dead at my tracks. It sounds like a flashlight? I follow to where the click is coming from and I see a huge painting blinking with light.

I jump through the paint and I land into an another room. There are sure lots of secret room in this Mansion.

I slowly walk towards the light and see Pacifica clicking the flashlight continuously. "Pacifica,"

She looked up to me, her eyes were teary her voice was broken. Was this all of my fault? "Dipper," She whispers.

"What are you doing here?" I ask,

"Nothing really, I just saw these paintings, treasures and evidences," She looks down again, "These are painted records to every horrible thing that my family's ever done; lying, cheating. . . and there's me." She flashes the flashlight onto her face. "I lied to you because I was too afraid to talk back to my stupid parents!" She said, anger present in her tone.

"you were right about me. I'm just an insecure girl who wants nothing but attention," She breathes out and places her hands on her face; covering because of shame. "and afraid to lose everything." She says her voice cracking and throw her earrings at her side.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean everything." I say as I carefully touch her hand and remove it from her face. "You're not insecure. You're someone who's so much better; you are you. Which makes things wonderful and beautiful." I smile softly as I stare at her. She smiles back.

Is this it? Am I really gonna tell her what I really feel about her?

I think it's about time.

Sorry for the Cliffhanger guys!

So, what do you think about this Chapter? Please COMMENT in the section below :) I really need to know your thoughts guys.

Thank you for reading :)

Please read mu another Dipcifica Fanfic; "Counting Stars || Dipper & Pacifica" You can search for it, or yoi can find it on my profile. Thanks guys :)

And MAYBE I will update a few hours or so. Just for you guys :)

Stay tune for the next chapter, It will be really UNEXPECTED.

~Agent Trigger

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