Chapter 14: What I really feel

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Dipper's POV

"Pacifica I-" I was cut off by a loud rumble and piercing shouts coming from below. "Mabel," I whisper as I realized that I haven't even warned Mabel yet.

"Come on, The Lumberjack is terrorizing down below." Pacifica says as she pulls my hand. "We have to save them!" We ran across the hallways and hoped to get there earlier.

Pacifica's POV

As we arrived at the reception area, and everyone was panicking. "What are we gonna do Dipper?" I shout through the screams of the crowd. "Everyone is out of control!" I shout once again."

"Why are they even panicking?" He shouts as he points to the frantic crowd.

Laughter echoes through the room, a deep one, and we both know who exactly he is. "Well, well, well" his voice echoes again. "Never changed your mind about them Kid?" He asks Dipper. I really understand to what he meant by 'them'.

"I'm sorry but someone already explained everything to me." He shouts which suprises the ghost.

"Very well then." He says simply as he ignites fire all over his body. "You had your chance to leave but. . . I guess you just wasted your chance." He shrugs and laughs maniacally. "This will be the last time ever you'll see yourself defending this Northwest." He points at me, which make my heart beat faster.

"Say goodbye Pines." The ghost says as the large book shelf starts creaking behind Dipper.
It was all slow, everything was happening so slow. The moment when the shelf was falling to Dipper. I had to make a choice, a choice.

I push Dipper away from the spot where the large book shelf was falling and I hear him shout my name.

Pain, all I could feel was pain. The feeling that you were crushed by the book shelf was really unbearable. Then I was starting to grow numb. Maybe, this is it. Maybe, this is already my last time to see the wonders of Gravity Falls, no matter how weird this place is, It is still my home. Home. And maybe I already blew my chance of telling Dipper how I really feel about him. I really like him.

I'm sorry.

Then Everything went black.

Dipper's POV

I squeezed my eyes shut preparing to take the impact between me and the shelf, but I felt like I was being pushed away from the spot where the shelf is gonna fall. Then I realized it was. . . Pacifica.

"PACIFICA, NO!" I shout but I was too late. Her body was already beneath the large book shelf.

I ran to her and kneeled to the floor, somebody assisted me on pulling her body carefully from the shelf (I'm very sure that it was Agent Trigger, the one who visited the Mystery Shack once for an inspection).

I cradle her body to my arms, "Pacifica, wake up. please. . . Wake up." I say as I cupped her face with my hands. "Pacifica, say something. . ." I felt a tear ran down my face.

I caressed her cheeks with my hand, as my tears started to fall uncontrollably. "Pacifica, don't do this. Stay." Tears flooded my cheeks. "Please stay. . . You can't do this." I whisper as my voice cracked. "I'm so sorry." I cry, more tears this time.

"You should have let me take that impact. . . This is all my fault." I say as I caress her hair. "I never got to tell you that. . . I love you. Pacifica, I love you." I hug her fragile body.

I wish I never told her those harsh words. I wish I never shouted at her, blaming her everything. I wish I didn't think it was her fault. I wish, I could just rewind this moment and stop her from doing this. I am so sorry.

I love her. . .

I kiss her forehead and I shut my eyes close, wishing that this is all a bad dream.

Then all of the sudden, I hear her cough and gasp for air. "Dipper?"

Cliffhanger alert! Sorry.

Hey Guys! So what do you think about this chapter? Well, I hope you liked it.

Was it okay? Were you emotional or not at all? We're you expecting this moment or not at all?

Were you like: "Oh, I know that this is gonna happen. I totally predicted it!"


"Oh My. Speechless bro."

So, which one is it?

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~Agent Trigger

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