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I sat down at my place near the head of the table and weaved my finders together on my lap. I waited, closing my eyes for a long moment and getting lost in my thought while listening to everyone else getting into their seats. A light tap came from my left and I looked to see Elliott with a worried gaze on his face as he looked at me.

"My Lethallin, are you alright? You seem sleepy." He asked.

"I'm fine. I'm just not a fan of the dinners that my family hosts, whether it be in Nefeli or here." I muttered quietly and looked away, stifling a yawn as best I could.

"Kaylum and Anthony have been excited about this for the whole day." He whispered to me.

"I know. I bet they're more excited about the evening." I joked.

When the dinner was over and the party ended, I slipped into my quarters and huffed a long sigh, heading to my bed. Flopping onto the soft mattress, and taking in a long, steady breath, I noticed the buzz of my mind. Suddenly the door creaked as it opened slowly and the quiet sizzle of a Flamewraith made its way over to me, stopping with the gentle tap of a pair of feet against the tiled ground.

"My Princess, I must inquire you join your lovely Prince for something the Queen arranged for you. Could you please make your way to the dining room?" She asked, lowering her head.

I sighed and stood.

"Could you give me a moment, dear? I'll be with you in a few minutes. I think I would like to change out of this before I do anything. Do you mind?" I asked. The Flamewraith's bow got deeper and the wraithed out of the room. I took in another long breath and changed into a much more casual beige floor length skirt and a black, button-down blouse with a high collar. I tied my hair up into a messy low bun and and left my shoes near my bed. I headed swiftly over to the dining room.

I noticed Mara, Baron and Elliott in the back of the room. I sipped in a breath as I layed my eyes on the equipment piled behind Mara. Hats, a large black case and a curtain on a mobile rail.

"Hello. What's all this?" I asked.

"What in the Nine Realms are you doing barefoot?" She hissed.

"It's much more comfortable. Besides, Heels are the most uncomfortable shoes on Gaia. I don't want to destroy my feet." I said slowly. She glared at me.

"Put these on. You're more savage than expected." She growled and threw a pair of sleak black boots at me.

"At least you're not a whore. You cover up accordingly." I reserved my glare.

"If I'm so savage, how come you didn't reprimanded me on my eating habits?" I inquired. She glanced at me from over her shoulder and scoffed.

"At least you know the difference between the sets of cutlery. You are still a savage child, like Baron. He never learns. I intend to set you straight." She growled, barging towards me. Suddenly an incredible pain shot through my foot and I dropped the shoes and let out an incredible shriek. The room brightened and I locked my grasp around Maraline's neck, heaving for breath.

"There is so little stopping me from crushing your spine." I told her in a grave tone.

"Decoda, stop! Stop that immediately!" Baron urged. I sank my vlaws into her skin and relished in her scream then discarded her with a thrust and ripped the sword from my foot and the ground. Blood stained my skirt up to the knees with the spray. It soon stopped as a scar formed where the blade had ripped open my flesh. I marched towards her and leaned down. She had a look of desperate horror in her eyes as she shared up at me.

"You are a wretched hag, Maraline Malion. I will be happy to take your place. You do not deserve any inkling of power this possession gives you. I will make sure you have no say over anything or anyone. Do you understand?" Another deep growl resonated from my throat. She nodded rapidly until I stepped back and Baron helped her up. The training proceeded and I was taught how to walk properly, dress properly ect. I was also taught about the proper coronation ceremony etiquette and how to hold myself upright when what they called the "recall" would begin.

I made my way through the halls and when I made it to my room, I collapsed into bed, hoping and praying that no other servants would come to disturb me. If any did, they would not have found me awake.

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