Don't Sleep

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I pried my eyes open and allowed the blinding white light to pour into them while ny heart pounded in my ears. I gasped for air. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't see. I huffed, finally... air. I forced myself to turn over and managed to lug myself onto my left side two unbearable pains on my right. When I opened my eyes, I gasped and let out a scream. A pool of blood had collected beneath my head. Suddenly I got dizzy. I curled into myself and screamed. My hand wavered over a wound to feel the hot crimson pouring from my skin.

"Why is it still open?! I can't still be bleeding..." my heartbroken and distressed yell crumbled into a pathetic mutter. I could barely see past the blood coating my eye. It hurt so badly. Then I heard distant yells approaching. I let out a terrified scream when I glanced around and spotted him. I was capable of such a horrendous and evil act... my scream broke down into sobs as I curled up farther and brought my knees up to my chest.

The distant yells approached my position. This is what I deserved. Whatever those people brought with them, I was going to die. I deserved it for that deed. I deserved to die again.

"Decoda...!" I recognized my name among the ever approaching yells. I gasped and my breath escaped me again. Swift footsteps broke into the clearing and let out a horrified gasp.

"Decoda!" He yelped as his footsteps approached me. His strong hands rested on my body and hovered over the wounds still pouring blood. He pulled me close to him, the fullness in my chest was the only thing consoling my cycloning mind. I huffed his name and he pulled me into his arms and lifted me off the ground, buckling slightly. He marched forward. I glanced down through half lidded eyes and saw the evil act below me as he passed. I buried my head into his chest and away from the death that poisoned the ground. I glanced at passing trees at every interval that he took to rest. He wasn't fit for this. I couldn't stop him. More footsteps approached and I was set down in the shade of the fiery trees. A chilling breeze cut through my skin. The voices asked countless questions but all I could think of.... all I could think of was sleep. I wanted to drift away and stop. I felt powerful hands hit my right cheek and I opened my eyes just slightly to stare into the bright crimson eyes of Alex.

"Don't you dare close your eyes! Don't you dare, you got it?!" She scolded.

"Elliott, take a break. I'm bringing Barbara." I heard Alex's shaking voice. "Don't you dare let her drift off!" She said and wraithed off and I battled. Sleep Decoda. You're too tired. You don't deserve this struggle. You don't need where you want to go. You don't have to hurt them.

I huffed and opened my eyes and focused on the blurry canopy.  Not today... Everything hurt and the blood was still moving, although this time slower. I heard my heart pounding in my ears. Elliott's face came into view. His brilliant blue eyes staring at me with heartbreak dripping from them. He wiped the tears away and cradled the right side of my face and told me it would be ok. I wanted to tell him... but he would be too broken by it.

"I love you, Elliott..." I managed.

"I love you too, my dearest Lethallin!" He sobbed, pressing his forehead against my chest. The fullness throbbed as my own tears welled up.

"I'm horrible..." I mumbled, only to receive a terrified glance from Elliott.

"I'm a monster... I... killed..." I huffed before Elliott's hand gently brushed my lips. Black thoughts cycloned my head and escaped with every tear that poured down the sides of my face. I shut my eyes. I suppose I did admit it to him then...

"Decoda Malion. I will not stand for such tyranny and negativity. You have killed a Guardian and a Joorlin citizen of Karmaro. You shall forever and always be trapped in this prison, where you shall never see the light of day again." I replayed what the voice in my head told me. I couldn't fathom being worthy of anything else. I took in steady, shallow breaths.

"My deepest love... Please look at me. Please keep your eyes open... I'm here for you, my sun, my fullest life..." He sobbed, softly brushing his thumb along my cheek.

"My Leth.... My Lethallin..." I managed to push out, "I'm so sorry... I'm sorry..." I repeated.

Suddenly I heard two people land to my left. I heard a Karmarean curse from Barbara as Alex took my hand and Elliott the other. I stared at the blurry canopy above. Why wasn't I healing...? The question crossed my mind again.

"Brace yourself, Darling." I heard Barbara mutter. I squeezed their hands as a stabbing pain shot into my side. Again and again and again. It travelled all along my wound and I felt my skin being pulled. I gritted my teeth and sputtered out Beneathean curses. Then the stabbing stopped and I relaxed slightly while the new pain calmed. I sipped in a breath when Barbara told me to brace again. This time the continuous stabs entered and exited my shoulder. I allowed yelps and curses until it stopped. Then a horrible realisation hit me. My face was next.

"Barbara, we can't knock her out. It's risky." Alex explained.

"Red or orange?"


"Fuck. Alright honey. We're gonna be here for a while. The one in your side took the longest because it was the worst looking one. The one in your arm is arguably the better one. Prepare for the worst one pain whise. I'm sorry, dearie." She explained and I nodded, dreading the agony that was soon to come.

"Wait... I don't know if I'm fit to do this, but she needs it." I heard Elliott's  words. I watched his hand reach over my head and a bright golden glow touch the needle only to have Elliott slump against a tree. A short panic erupted within the small circle but it was calmed tiredly by Elliott moments later. Barbara warned me a second time. The pain vanished with each tap against my skin. I relaxed and waited for all of the pain to disappear. I closed my eyes and focused on the unfamiliar relief. When I heard a small snip around my forehead somewhere, I narrowly opened my eyes and forced out a quiet thank you. Then I was reminded of the evil inside me. Two lives... how could I have done such a thing? Deep black thoughts circled my mind. Suddenly I heard another set of footsteps approaching.

"What in the Beneath Happened here? Decoda! Oh gods..." that was Kaylum... at least I think so... my vision blurred again and this time, when I closed my eyes, Alex didn't shake me out of my painful thoughts.

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