Flaming Stories

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"I would like to get to know everyone better," said Mistyal sitting up and gazing around the room at everyone.

"I think that's a good Idea!" I supported, with a smile.

"Yeah, why not," Alex said not moving a muscle.

Kaylum shrugged and Elliott let out a small hum in agreement.

"Alex, was it? Would you mind if I asked how you ended up back in Skladmir from our last meeting in the Beneath?" Mistyal asked.

Alex sighed and looked at her after sitting up.

"That was straight forward. I was on the run." She answered bluntly, crossing her arms.

"The Destroyer was more than hot-headed. However it was always frightening how calculated he could be in his rage." Mistyal muttered.

"Decoda is the only sane one in that family. Her uncle kinda went nuts and wanted to kill me, so I ran." She explained to the others.

"I remember a time when Carvarak captured his first city. It was a merciless slaughter. He started with The Deep on Osrow." Mistyal muttered.

"Speaking of, how do you know my family so well?" I asked her. Mistyal looked at me and smiled.

"I was the head of the kingdom's royal guard. I was appointed just after Carvarak came to power. A few days after, in fact. Long into my duty, I was infected with this horrid plague." He said, glancing down at her mossy hands.

"Was that the reason Danté fled? Because of his brother?" She asked me. I let out a little surprised laugh.

"No, I don't think so. My dad told me it was because people came and attacked the castle." I explained. Mistyal seemed enlightened.

"That's why an emergency was called out!" She exclaimed.

"On the topic of Dec's Family, Kaylum," Alex said, turning to him, "What the hell happened in that throne room?"

Kaylum looked very uncomfortable at the mention of those events.
"I don't really feel like saying." He told us looking away.

"I'd also like to know how the mighty King Carvarak was defeated," Mistyal said, leaning in a bit closer towards him. He winced subtly and took a deep breath.

"I have The Knife of Samsaura." He said plainly. Mistyal seemed shocked, but the name of this knife meant nothing to me.

"The what?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"T-the only knife able to kill a Royal Demon... Since the Malions are the only ones of their kind.." Kaylum said, curling up into himself. Everyone in the room seemed to be silent. The rain outside beat against the walls and windows in a violent, endless noise. Suddenly lightning stuck and a window flew open, extinguishing the lanterns in the room. Who I could only assume to be Anthony yelled out. The room was immediately illuminated by Kaylum's fire. I noticed as he heald out his staff towards the middle of the room. Elliott laughed.

"It works better than I thought it would." He said while Alex forced the window shut.

"Now, where were we?" She said, turning back to Kaylum, who looked like he was about to have a heart attack. There was a long hesitation until he finally spoke.

"I killed him. I cut him all over the place and then I stabbed him in the heart. There you go, now you have it." Kaylum whimpered.

"I have another question," I said shyly.

"Mhm?" He mumbled, glancing at me through orange eyes. I hesitated.

"How long did you serve Carvarak? I mean... how long were you in his court?" I asked, nervously correcting myself.

"11 years. I was 9 when I was first appointed. From there I was slow to cimb the ranks. It's only been lately that I've been able to get to where I was. I... I had to serve in a few wars too. I was a soldier before I was a scout." He explained, beginning to get quieter. He glanced at Alex only for a moment. Anthony took his hand.

"Dad always did say he hated the fact that Carvarak was crowned before he was, but my mom always knew that dad wasn't ready for a crown," I explained, curling into myself again.

"What about your sister? Who was she?" Asked Elliott, attempting a friendly grin. Kaylum sighed again and looked to the ground.

"Her name was Elenoria. She was the only family I had and I would've done anything to protect her... When Carvarak captured her, he must've put some kind of curse on her, because she would've been just thirteen this year... And when she was let out of her secure cell... oh by the Gods I... what I would do to reverse the thing I did to her." Kaylum choaked, his voice shaking and his now orange eyes steaming. Anthony and Alex were already giving him a comforting hug. His skin caught flames and a deep black charcoal hood hid his face.

"I'm sorry... this shouldn't be bothering me as much as it is. I'm a soldier. I shouldn't be acting like a child." His new grating voice spoke.

"My love, you have all the right to grieve and feel guilty. Gaian emotion is healthy. And... I think now is a good time to bring up a positive in your life. May I?" Anthony asked, holding up two fingers. Kaylum gave a small nod and returned to his Gaian form. His cheeks were bright red. His eyes were closed when Anthony placed his forehead against Kaylums and his fingers to the back of his neck.

"Hold on... No way! You managed?!" He exclaimed exitedly. Anthony smiled.

"You did! Oh by the Gods, you're amazing, Anthony! What should we name her?" He asked. A wave of confusion waved over the rest of us as Kaylum lept into Anthony's embrace.

"What about Lilith?" Anthony suggested. Kaylum let out an overjoyed gasp, all strife and sorrow forgotten.

"Can I carry her? I think my build would be better for that kind of thing anyway, especially later on!" He enthused, recieving an amused laugh from Anthony, who planted a kiss on his cheek.

"You are truely a God's decendant, Anthony. I love you so so much!" He grinned.

"I love you too, Kaylum."

"Oh shit, the Kid thing! Congrats guys!" Alex broke out into a strange laughter. Mistyal seemed slightly off at the mention of a magical child.

"Lilith is a splentid name for your girl. I'm so happy for you two." Elliott congragulated formally. Suddenly a shade was cast over the room.

"Oh yes, my deepest congratulations!" An echoing voice was heard.

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