Reborn Savior

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"Lethallin..." I heard the faint call, "Lethallin...!" It sounded again, this time louder, more frantically. A faint cackle rang in my ear but became clear as day when light poured into my eyes.

"Lethallin! Help me!!" I heard him scream. I couldn't move when I noticed the room become crystal clear and the cackling start ringing in my ears again.

I looked around and gasped in horror when I saw the blood that stained the wooden floor.

"Elliott!" I screamed when I saw his torso drenched in blood. He sank a punch into the pale jaw of a hooded figure that loomed over him and let out a painful yell.

"Darkness banish you! You were meant to stay out while I finished off your other soul! You're ruining my plans, banished one!" I heard a haunting, familiar hiss. I looked into her wicked orange eyes while they seemed to lap like flames at my soul.

"Get away from him!" I warned and tensed up, getting ready for the dark cocoon to shatter. She raised a hand and her fingers formed blades. She plunged her hand downwards and the shrill crack of glass sounded as I lept forward and shoved her aside. I sank punch after punch into her face.

"Leave him alone! Go back to the rings of the Dark Realm, you hag!" I demanded. Suddenly I felt my stomach rip appart as she plunged her blade-like hand into my body and it ripped out through my back. I stared at her in shock while Elliott shrieked in the background. Then she moved her bladed hand to the side until it finally sank out of my body. I couldn't move. She shoved me aside and I fell limply to the ground. My vision blurred and white consumed my sight. Suddenly I saw my own hands, bloodstained and shaking. They hovered over someone's chest. I couldn't make out who he was but before I got the chance I saw that woman shakily standing and heading forward, towards Elliott. I pushed out his name with as much strength as I could muster before darkness consumed my vision.

Suddenly I heard my heart start to pound as darkness was parted by light. The pounding became all I could hear and bliss all I could feel. I pushed myself up and ran forward at her, throwing a punch into the back of her head and stumbling forward over her collapsed body. While my vision readjusted to the new light and the pounding subsided, I watched as her body sank into a circle of darkness with another body. I was left alone in the cottage. I lay there for longer than I would have liked, regaining feeling and emotion. Once I could move, the emptiness in mu chest became apparent first, and thr more time went on, the more it pushed to the forefront. I rushed fownstairs and found Kaylum awake beside a peacefully sleeping Anthony.

As tears stained my cheeks a faint and heartbroken "He's gone" was all I could manage. Kaylum jumped to his feet and wrapped his arms around me.

"Princess, what in The Beneath happened? You look like you've just been killed...! Who's gone?" He asked gently.

"Elliott!" I yelped, burying myself into him in the hopes that the emptiness would leave.

Kaylum stroked my head slowly.

"What happened, Decoda..." he whispered. I closed my eyes and swallowed.

"She killed me and took him with her." I whimpered and earned a gasp from him. He clasped my face in his hands and knelt down as I collapsed.

"Who is... she?" He asked breathlessly. I shook my head as a sob forced its way out of my mouth.

"Don't know, huh... hang on, Princess. We'll figure this out." He told me softly. I gave a small nod. Then he stood and shook Anthony awake, who's wholesome gaze fell shocked on me and he scrambled forward.

"Oh shoot, Decoda! What in the nine realms-" he breathed as he took me into his arms. He looked into my teary eyes with a soft gaze.

"May I read you? You don't have to speak. I understand if you'd like to tell me aloud. I won't read everything - just the memories." He promised and I nodded eith another sob. He pressed his forehead against mine and two fingers at the back of my neck. I saw everything that happened again as if I'd relived it. I went numb for a moment and before Anthony lifted his head, my emotions rushed back again and tears poured down my cheeks.

Anthony's eyes widened and he pulled me into a tight embrace.

"We need to do something about this. You need to rest. Anthony, come with me. We could use Alex and Michelle's help. If the Gods would like to assist us, we'd be happy to bring them. You need to stay here." Kaylum said. Anthony nodded and pressed his forehead against mine sortly before he left.

"Please stay..." I mumbled. Kaylum looked at me and gave a small smile to Anthony before sending him off on his own. He stayed with me for the time being while a managery gathered in front of Nathaniel's cottage. When I calmed down, Kaylum sat beside me while I leaned on his shoulder. We didn't say anything, and I appreciated the silence while I sorted my thoughts.

"I feel so guilty... If I hadn't let my guard down for that moment... I would have been able to stop her. That feeling is so strange, feeling your life drain away then all at once plunge into you again... I couldn't move or feel anything and I was firced to watch as she disappeared... oh Gods, if I could do that over again..." I muttered. Kaylum rested a hand on my head and started to stroke my hair again.

There was a knock at the door and Kaylum let out a sigh.

"Are you ready?" I heard his voice. I lifted my head off his shoulder and rested it on my arms that I'd rested on my knees. I watched as he stood and opened the door to greet Anthony. I turned my gaze into the darkness that was nestled between my body and legs.

"From what I saw, this woman used a dark circle to enter a different realm. We need to figure out what that realm is and how to get to that realm." Anthony explained.

"I can figure it out. I need to prepare. Anthony, Decoda, would you be alright with sharing this memory with me?" Herross asked. I lifted my head to see the exhaustion in his face. I nodded.

I didn't know what to say. I wanted to get Elliott back, but I didn't want Herross to overexert himself. Anthony nodded. They waited for my answer.

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