Two of Three

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Herross' P.O.V.

I headed towards Selvan's new little cabin on the beach. I knew for a fact that it would grow into either a series of nonsensical underground tunnels, or a massive underground manor with a humble surface exterior. He was predictable. As I stepped onto the sand, an icy breeze cut through my clothes. I mumbled a curse and pushed Selvan's door open, hoping it would be warmer inside. What I found inside only froze me in place.

"S... Selvan...? Brother...?" I mumbled, watching as his body ever so slowly filled out from the skeletal figure I found laying in the middle of the small room.

"Selvan...!" I huffed, skidding to a halt on my knees by his side. I hovered my hands over him, knowing that if I touched him in this state, he would stop his reconstruction. I stayed there for a moment then scrambled backwards and buried my face in my hands.

"Selvan, for Norvek's sake... please don't do that again..." I blubbered, curling into myself. I looked up at him to see his face nearly fully formed, every one of his features sunken and undead.

"Brother... be still... I will-" his hoarse, harsh and painful speech was interrupted by a bright light that poured from his mouth and eyes. Mine did the same as my vision was consumed by golden light. I felt every second that passed and felt as if the tears that ran down my cheeks etched into my skin. An eternity later, the room returned to darkness abnormal for the middle of the day.

I heard him grunt and I saw his figure sit up slowly.

"Selvan!" I yelped and scrambled forward into him, "What were you thinking?! Do not be so careless again!" I scolded, hastily wiping tears from my eyes.

"Herros! Get off me! It was not my fault that I had to reconstruct! Ask your delinquent son to control his father-like urges!" He growled.

"Drevel... Oh Selvan, I promise that I thought he'd made progress... I.... I must go." I told him and returned to my manor in the blink of an eye.

"Drevel..." I softly called for him. I dragged myself through the halls and up the stairs into the attic.

"Drevel..." I called again. A faint mumble sounded in response. I turned the corner to find him laying on a discarded matress facing the wall, his dark hair a mess. I looked to the corner to spot stained blades.

"My son... my dearest eldest born, my great love..." I mumbled, repressing the burning in my throat that made itself noticable.

"Father... what is it? You sound betrayed..." he growled.

"You took his life, Drevel. How... what drove you to such an act?"

"Wait... How did you... Father, what do you not see?! I did this because he trapped you in that heinous realm! He spread myths about you! He's made our family's life something out of the Dark Rralm! I wanted to give him back all of the pain he has caused! I couldn't hold back anymore and before I realised it, I'd killed him..." his yells quieted down into a soft, guilt ridden mutter. I approached him and took him in my arms.

"Thank you, my son. Your act was well meant but please... if you think that resorting to taking lives is the only option, you are far from right. There is always another way. We will talk about this another time." I explained slowly, pulling him in close. He melted into my embrace.

"Father...? What happened at Saerol? Why were they so furious?" He asked softly, a crack in his voice.

"Drevel... I am so sorry. That was my fault. I referred to you as my son and someone pointed me out as a god... it only escelated from there... I am so sorry, Drevel... if they had gone for me, I would have taken every hit. If I had done anything- oh by the Three, I couldn't let them kill you!" I choked out. Drevel let out a sob and buried himself into my chest.

"I love you, Father... I want to help you." He told me, suppressing sobs. I planted a firm kiss onto his head.

"I love you too, my son. Thank you." I mumbled. Drevel allowed himself to cry in my presence for the first time since he was young. Proud and heartbroken, I held him close to me as he poured his emotions out to me. We both knew that holding it in would have had consequences.

That evening, Selvan visited me and went downstairs to talk to Drevel. Meanwhile I was pulled into Tavius' workroom to calm down my overly frustrated boy.

"I don't understand! It isn't working! Graagh!" He yelled and sank his fist into a scrap of wood. I rushed towards him and rested a gentle, reasuring hand on his shoulder.

"Tavius... please. Look at me. Look at me, my son. What is it you're trying to do? Tell me calmly." I told him softly.

"I want to make a sculpture representing my pain. I want it to be jagged and rough. I can't get the texture right and I am starting to dispise the figure I've created." He growled. I cupped his face in my hands and he looked at me.

"My son. My wonderful crativity. Let us try this together." I suggested. He gave me a timid smile and stood up. He commanded a massive wooden block to move to the center of the room with a snap of his fingers. I allowed a proud smile.

"Could you give me a second one? I would like to try my hand at this..." I asked, glancing away. He smiled and summoned another. I closed my eyes and allowed my power to consume the wood. I allowed quick thoughts to everything that had caused my pain and halted the magic. Once the darkness creeped away, a jagged, nonsensical mess was left in the place of the block. Tavius' eyes grew wide.

"Father..." he started, his eyes narrowing, "What is this?! Must I really be outdone in all aspects of passion?! Get out! Get out of my workroom, you forgery!" He yelled and shoved me out of the door. I stumbled and hit the wall of the hall just as the door slammed and shook the house. I panted and stood. I felt myself slipping and I returned to a lifeless clearing in the forest. Just as I appeared in the middle of darkness, I saw myself from a different perspective, my eyes pitch black. I watched my body fall to its knees as the ground shook and deep cracks formed.

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